New-Old Light on Alternative Military Service

by Vanderhoven7 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Not sure where I picked this up

    "New-Old Light on Alternative Military Service

    FACT 1: The Watchtower sanctioned both military service and alternative military service under Charles Russell.

    FACT 2: Under subsequent leadership the Watchtower condemned both military service and alternative military service for 60 years.

    These Bible rules were enforced under threat of disfellowship.

    Thousands of JWs went to prison because they refused both military service and

    alternative service.

    FACT 3: a proposal to change the Society’s position on alternative service to relieve the suffering of the brethren and their families was made in 1978.

    But a two-thirds majority vote was not attained…presumably Jehovah hadn’t yet

    communicated a change of mind on the matter yet. So the issue was shelved and

    the brothers continued to languish in prison.

    FACT 4: Then Jehovah God finally sent the new-old light to Watchtower headquarters:

    ”What, though, if the State requires a Christian for a period of time to perform civilian service that is a part of national service under a civilian administration? Here again, Christians must make their own decisions based on an informed conscience. What if the Christian's honest answers to such questions leads him to conclude that the national civilian service is a "good work" that he can perform in obedience to the authorities? This is his decision before Jehovah. Appointed elders and others should fully respect the conscience of the brother and continue to regard him as a Christian in good standing. “ The Watchtower 1996 May 1 p. 20.

    Are JWs with overly strict consciences responsible for their own imprisonment over alternative military service? The WTS explains away those terrible feelings of having sufferedv needlessly:

    “In the past, some Witnesses have suffered for refusing to share in an activity that their conscience now might permit. For example, this might have been their choice years ago as to certain types of civilian service. A brother might now feel that he could conscientiously perform such without overstepping his Christian neutrality regarding the present system of things.

    Was it unrighteous on Jehovah's part to allow him to suffer for rejecting what he might do without consequences... What reason could anyone have to regret having followed his conscience in taking a firm stand for Jehovah? By loyally upholding Christian principles as they understood them or by responding to prodding of conscience they proved worthy of Jehovah's friendship. Certainly, it is wise to avoid a course that would disturb one's conscience...

    In modern times, there have been some Witnesses who were very strict in their view of what they would or would not do. For that reason they suffered more than others. Later, increased knowledge helped them to expand their view of matters. But they have no reason to regret having earlier acted in harmony with their conscience even when this possibly brought extra suffering. It truly is commendable that they demonstrated their willingness to suffer in faithfulness to Jehovah... “
    (The Watchtower 1998 August 15 p. 17 Underlining added)

    Was it the fault of their consciences or was it rather the fault of an organization that demanded strict obedience to all of its extra-biblical ever-changing “truths”?

    "...there cannot even be coexistent tendencies or schools of thought within the Christian organization." (WT 1983 September 15, p.18)

    Approved association with Jehovah's Witnesses requires accepting the entire range of the true teachings of the Bible, including those Scriptural beliefs that are unique to Jehovah's Witnesses. (WT 1986 April 1, p. 31)

  • Bobcat

    e-trainedHi V7,

    The WT is a sorry, elusive bunch. Someone on exJW/Reddit put their viewpoint succinctly (copied to here).

    Many of us went along with these things thinking we were obeying our Bible-trained conscious, not realizing we were really obeying "the commands of men as doctrine." It is a tribute to how adept WT has become in their propaganda techniques. Communists and despots of all ages would be nodding in approval at WT's mind-control abilities.

    Thanks for assembling these quotes above.

  • Achille

    We are discussing the same topic in an Italian forum. I translated your message:

  • Vanderhoven7

    Wow! How did that get translated so quickly?

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    I know for a fact that those who refused alternative service during the years the Society forbade it did so because they would have been disfellowshipped/disassociated otherwise. They were not allowed to even hint to the judge that they would perform alternative service if sentenced to do so, and of course, couldn't agree to it in advance.

    Some judges probably concluded they wouldn't comply anyway so why not just send them to prison. This led to much unnecessary suffering and later, resentment. My own cousin went through this. A very well-known poster here did as well.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    A brother I knew here in the UK was called up when he was 18 about 1959 as I recall. He was sent to prison (Lincoln) for 3 months with the option of a £50 fine instead. Taking the fine was not allowed so he did his 3 months. He had only been released a few weeks when he was called up again and the same thing happened, 3 months or £50 fine. The cell door must have barely been closed when he was sent home, an "anonymous" donor had paid his fine. Everyone knew it was his employer who did want this guy off for another 3 months as he was such a good worker. Alternative service was never mentioned.


  • Terry

    It's easy to translate: "We cover our ass."
    I was specifically counseled what I should and should not do and say.
    I was admonished to say I had made up my own mind without any Watchtower influence or Elder influence.
    Translation: I was under compulsion. I was counseled to lie. "Theocratic strategy."
    I was questioned by my local civilian Draft Board, by two Federal F.B.I. agents,
    and by the District Judge who sentenced me to the Youth Correction Act provision of an "indeterminate" sentence from 6 mos to 6 years" depending on the fancy of the prison Parole Board (which met once each six months.)
    I was 20 when I went to jail and I was 23 when I was paroled. (1967-1969)
    Without the strong influence (admonition) of my Overseer and his assistant - I would have taken the Alternate Civilian option of working in a hospital.

    According to the above pronouncement by the Watchtower, I am a victim of myself.
    I do not agree :)

  • Funky
    Was it unrighteous on Jehovah's part to allow him to suffer for rejecting what he might do without consequences...

    What diabolical, shameless horse-pucky.

    No one is blaming "Jehovah".

    Who we are blaming are the f***ers who live in the ivory Bethel towers and make up arbitrary rules (alternative service ain't the only one) that cruellyand negatively affect the lives of thousands of people, then casually flip-flop and say "hey, don't blame Jehovah for following your conscience".

    "Jehovah" never said "alternative service is not allowed". It was Fred Franz & company. Note how after a "reasonable" time had passed after his death, they changed the policy?

    I don't believe in hell, but if there were one, I'd like there to be a special circle for people who callously inflict pain, degradation, and suffering on others....then cowardly deflect blame from themselves when they finally figure out they were wrong.

  • Achille
    Vanderhoven7, Google translator

    See also here:

    I translated the post of St George of England.

  • Vanderhoven7


    How is you Italian? Did you proofread Google's translation and perhaps have to edit some?

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