Losing our dog Kate....she was unique.

by ScoobySnax 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChimChim

    Scooby Im so sorry to hear that


  • Insomniac

    Scoobysnax, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Not everyone understands how much it hurts when our animal friends pass on, but it seems most of your friends here do. It sounds like that gal left knowing full well how much her people loved her.

  • Country_Woman

    I know,
    loosing a pet is like loosing a family member.....

  • ScoobySnax

    I just wanted to say Thankyou for all your kind comments/replys about Kate. I will miss her to bits, but its so comforting to know that so many of you understand.

    I want evereyone to know who posted on this thread to know just how much that meant to me to hear what you said. You're all lovely people. If a dog could have been proud, Kate would have. Thankyou so much.


  • ChimChim

    Your welcome!!!


  • bebu


    You described her so well, I could easily imagine just how wonderful she was, and what a loss it is now for you. I feel so sad about it.

    Terriers can be such sweet dogs. I'm glad she was rescued, and a part both your lives..

    Keep the good memories fresh. It helps to write the best ones down (for me anyway--I think my memory is going...)



  • ScoobySnax

    Going with my sister tommorow to look at another little dog. Jane has already thought up a name "Lucy". It won't ever replace funny Kate. But it'll be a start.

    Funny today we were talking about Kate, and the tears have been replaced with laughter and funny memories of her. Its good when it turns out that way.

  • Billygoat


    I am so glad that the sadness has been replaced with happy memories! They say losing an animal is harder than losing a human loved one. With an animal we only have fond memories. With humans it's mixed emotions.

    I hope your future "Lucy" (great name btw!) is a spunky little pup with a great personality!


  • ARoarer


    Collapsed Trachea Syndrome. Wow how devasating an experience you and your little Kate went through. We have a little Pug and he suddenly lost the mobility of his front legs and could not walk very well without being carried. We brought him to our vet and they said he had a stroke and would soon be somewhat better but would never walk the way he used to. A few weeks later he began coughing and choking and we were up with him all night. We brought him to our vet again and he said there was nothing he could do because he had collapsed trachea syndome. We were annoyed because we were hoping he could be given something for it. He ended up having another severe attack and we brought him in the middle of the night to an animal hospital a few towns away. They kept him over night and did an MRI on him to make sure he had not tumors and they said he had a collapsed trachia that had probably caused the stroke from lack of oxygen. We did not want to put him through surgery because he is 11. They kept him overnight in an oxygen tent to help him breathe and gave him a drug called aminophyllin. The next day he was better. This happened 2 more times with trips in the middle of the night with the dog not breathing. I could not bear the thought of life without him. The doctors their were so wonderful. They got to know him and after the next time they told us that they would like to try him on the drug for the rest of his life. He has been on it since last Spring and has not had an episode since. I am grateful for any more time left with my little friend and family member. I am so sorry you lost Kate. We have also had to put to sleep 2 other dogs in the last 2 years. Kayla and Golieth. They were old Labs with cancer. Mother and son. It is so sad when we lose our beloved pets.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Kate lives on in your memory.

    I'm glad you found a new dog. Give her as much love as you did Kate.

    By the way ... you wouldn't want a recalcitrant basset hound would you? I can make you a really good deal on a certain little one who seems to think my carpet is her personal toilet.

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