God is Real in Principle

by looter 251 Replies latest jw friends

  • looter

    I'm using an older computer. so it might not have newer features.

  • Saename
  • cofty
    I'm using an older computer. so it might not have newer features. - Looter

    Just copy-paste the words you need - don't use more than you need to provide context. Then enter a new paragraph and type your reply. Highlight the quote and click on the quote button at the top of the dialogue box. It's third from the left and has a quote icon "".

  • looter

    It's hard to not use context without feeling empty. But it's good that you do that, cofty.

  • cofty
    It's hard to not use context without feeling empty - Looter

    I said the exact opposite of that - "don't use more than you need to provide context."

  • looter

    Oh, my bad. But even then. Too little context makes you feel like you didn't say anything to the potential you could.

  • cofty
    Too little context makes you feel like you didn't say anything to the potential you could. - Looter

    As a general rule the fewer words you can use to make your point the better. It's even worse if you use words inappropriately.

    Let me show you a few examples of your overuse of words. I have underlined the words that make no sense in the context.

    • I said goodwill to mean in particular the right part as executable things are wrong.
    • It's just being more precise in how you present your standing point.
    • But if I were to inherently say the topic at hand, the backlash might be worse.
    • But the problem is that the ones that didn't insist on deducing me to get them to understand
    • I wanted to explain, the best way viable.

    I often go back over things I have written and delete as many words as possible. Only use less common words if they convey the meaning of your sentence more clearly.

    I still think you should try to rewrite your OP in 100 words or less.

  • looter

    Well, that's the way you see it, cofty, and appreciate your help. "I still think you should try to rewrite your OP in 100 words or less." What good would that do. You'd still disagree either way. Except I'd have even less explanation. No use.

  • cofty
    What good would that do - Looter

    Others would understand your main argument. Isn't that the whole point of saying anything?

    Lots of people disagree with many things I write. That's fine with me. I am very confident about what I say and I want to be understood. Make your thoughts really clear and then be ready to consider counterarguments. That is how we learn.

  • cofty

    Why don't you try using the quote function? People are trying to help you. Are they wasting time?

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