Did Hugs from Brothers freak you out???

by orangefatcat 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    Never hugged anybody. I try to avoid all physical contact, especially at the kingdom hall. I would wear a hazmat suit out in service. People tend to listen to Armageddon presentations from someone in a hazmat suit.


  • orangefatcat

    Little witch,

    It is you my friend who is wrong IMHO, I am certainly no saint and in no way did I express my saintly ways to you, and I believe you have missed the point of all this. Without predjudice....

    If you see someone you love almost become consumed by another I make it my concern, she is my sweet sister whom I love, get it I love her. No matter what.. I wanted to help her as she asked me to help her to understand what she couldn't see for herself. You know the expression you can't see the forest for the trees. Well in this instant i believe it was applicable. I wasn't out to police or get involved in her intimate affairs of live," she asked me remember"!!!

    I only endeavoured to help... Would you throw a rope to a drowning man or would you let them drown.? You know exactly what you would do, you'd help i'd hope. Well in that sense I throw a line to my sister to yes for lack of a better word to save her soul. Is that a crime? Or is that an act of love? Then maybe you have never had a sister to love.

    It is you my dear friend who rather needs to get a grip on themself. I knew what I was doing, just as if I were to err I would hope someone cared about me enough to help me. Get it?

    It is you who is cynical, and you are the one who needs to look throught the looking glass both ways before you throw your stones. Or have travelled in my shoes?. Take no offense and,by the way I see how you express yourself ,you will not take offense to any of this and will dismiss me as how you put it "poor soul"..

    I have never had words with anyone on this board and that is the way I will keep this.

    Thanks very much,

    Have a Happy Thankgiving. And wether or not you belive me I say this with sincerety.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Sorry Fat Cat

    I see your intrusion into your sisters sex life as sick and unwarranted..I dont blame her for objecting to your input....

    I find your input perverse and strange, myself......YUK....

  • Xena
    Would you throw a rope to a drowning man or would you let them drown.? You know exactly what you would do, you'd help i'd hope. Well in that sense I throw a line to my sister to yes for lack of a better word to save her soul. Is that a crime? Or is that an act of love? Then maybe you have never had a sister to love.

    I'm sorry but when I read this I can almost hear my sister's voice justifying why she is shunning me....when you love someone you give them advise, let them make their own choices and stand by them no matter what...but you don't pressure them or try to force them into the course you have decided is best...by shunning them or threatening to expose them.

  • wednesday


    i just talked to u in chat, and i'm sorry u are feeling down about this. I meant no offense here, i just did not recognize the posting style as being yours.

    I got leered at a lot when young and some brothers went too far in touching.

    I quess u did what u thought was best.


  • blondie

    To be fair, I have seen elders/brothers counseled (one removed) for hugging the sisters too frequently. One brother seemed to prefer pretty, blonde sisters.

    Blondie (not a huggy person)

  • little witch
    little witch


    Are you male of female?

    What are you doing to satisfy yourself?

    Who do you find an attractive sexual partner?

    Do you feel attracted to someone in your social circle?

    What do you fantasize doing with this person?

    Tell all or you are wrong....

    Are you able to answer these questions openly, or is it NONE OF OUR BUSINESS?

    You go first.....

  • orangefatcat

    Little witch:

    I have no inhibations what so ever and will gladly tell you about myself if your willing to do the same..

    I am a 52 year old mother of one son who is 25 and I am married to a wonderful man who is Greek. Presently I am dealing with a rather severe health problem known other wise as bone marrow cancer. I suppose if I were to have a sexual liason it would be with ,some of those handsome hunks on television and in the movies, Ford Harrison, Mel Gibson.

    Howerer that is my fantasy,in real life I fantacize with my husband. We share a mutual respect and love for one another. From time to time we watch pornography. As I said I am no saint. In my social gatherings I have plenty of male friends who hugs and kiss me but that doesn't mean I want to have a sexual encounter with them. They are all married. Why destroy a beautiful thing. My husband is there and he hugs the girls and no I am not a jealous person. I am a scorpio. My favourite things when making love is to play along time and I love candles and my husband is excellent in foreplay. Oh by the way I failed to mention that i also deeply respect my husband as well.We have had our ups and downs like most marriages but I would rather repair it immediately then going to bed upset.

    We love to travel. It was two years ago that we had an accident in our van with a deer and I sustained injuries. But I keep up beat you can ask others in here with whom I have chatted.

    It is very difficult for me to get around now, but hey life is an experience and so go with the flow. Being told last month of my illness I can only say I live each day as if it were my last and I thank God when I wake up in the morning breathing.

    Oh i failed to tell you seeing how your so interested, my hubby and I would love to go to a adult parlour and yes we use different shapes of vibrators. My hubby even helps. Isn't love and life grand.

    well I have told you all its your turn....


  • Prisca

    I don't like the tone of LW's posts towards OFC. I think it's bad taste for LW to insinuate that OFC has some kind of sexual problems, and wonder how that relates to what OFC has posted about her younger sister's situation.

    OFC, It seems there is not alot you can do about your sister's situation, particularly since she hasn't spoken to you for 4 years. It's hard when you see someone you love heading for trouble, but she is an adult now, and has to make her own decisions. For all you know, she might be welcoming the other bro's advances. Perhaps she's unhappy in her marriage? Sometimes things are not all that they appear, so you don't really know what is going through your sister's mind.

    I hope this situation doesn't get you too down. Just let your sister know that you will be there for her no matter what happens.


  • wednesday


    i"d write my sister and explain how much u love her and why u did what u did. Tell her about your health problem. I hope u two can reconcile.

    best wishes


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