Iraq Al Qaeda link apparently is there

by Yerusalyim 61 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    I gotta laugh at mr propaganda's scaled standards

    it's terribly unfair to judge our forefathers actions by todays standards.

    He states the foregoing regarding the us indian wars. Yet israel is relieving natives of their land, as did the american settlers to natives on this continent. He drops 'todays standards' in order to fully support israel's highly organised and intelligent methods, but equally barbaric disposession of the palestinians.

    Yet, as far as he's concerned, his statements aren't contradictory, not lies, because, at the moment he makes the statements, he fully believes them. That will get him past the polygraph, but not past all people.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Fox News is putting out a report that the Senate Intelligence committee has a sixteen page memo detailing the links between Iraq and Al Qaeda going back BEFORE the first Gulf War.

    Fox News, need I say anymore.

    Some of the other posters are correct; Al Qaeda has links to all the Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. As most of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, do they support terrorists? What about the Bush's connection with the Bin Laden family ? Does that make the Bush's supporters of terrorists to?


  • Satanus

    Let's not forget cia links to al queda, to the man himself.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Case Open Why is the press avoiding the Weekly Standard's intelligence scoop? By Jack Shafer
    Posted Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003, at 4:00 PM PT

    Everybody knows how the press loves to herd itself into a snarling pack to chase the story of the day. But less noticed is the press's propensity to half-close its lids, lick its paws, and contemplate its hairballs when confronted with events or revelations that contradict its prejudices.

    The press experienced such a tabby moment this week following the publication of Stephen F. Hayes' cover story in the most recent Weekly Standard about alleged links between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. The Hayes piece, which went up on the Web Friday, quotes extensively from a classified Oct. 27, 2003, 16-page memo written by Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith at the request of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The committee, which is investigating the administration's prewar intelligence claims, asked Feith to annotate his July 10 testimony, and his now-leaked memo indexes in 50 numbered points what the various alphabet intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA) had collected about a Saddam-Osama connection.

    A classified memo by a top Pentagon official written at Senate committee request and containing information about scores of intelligence reports might spell news to you or me?whether you believe Saddam and Osama were collaborating or not. But except for exposure at other Murdoch media outlets (Fox News Channel, the Australian, the New York Post) and the conservative Washington Times, the story got no positive bounce. Time and Newsweek could have easily commented on some aspect of the story, which the Drudge Report promoted with a link on Saturday. But except for a dismissive one-paragraph mention in the Sunday Washington Post by Walter Pincus and a dismissive follow-up by Pincus in today's (Tuesday's) Post pegged to the news that the Justice Department will investigate the leak, the mainstream press has largely ignored Hayes' piece.

    What's keeping the pack from tearing Hayes' story to shreds, from building on it or at least exploiting the secret document from which Hayes quotes? One possible explanation is that the mainstream press is too invested in its consensus finding that Saddam and Osama never teamed up and its almost theological view that Saddam and Osama couldn't possibly have ever hooked up because of secular/sacred differences. Holders of such rigid views tend to reject any new information that may disturb their cognitive equilibrium. Another explanation is that the national security press corps gave it a bye because they found nothing sufficiently new in the memo?and nothing that hadn't been trotted out previously in other guises by the Bush administration. In other words, old news ain't today's news. Another possible explanation is that the press has come to discount any information from the administration camp as "rumint," a rumor-intelligence cocktail that should be avoided. (One willing victim of prewar rumint, the New York Times' Judith Miller, piped the allegations of Iraqi defectors into her paper for months and months before the war and suffered a nasty blow to her reputation as a conscientious reporter when her defectors turned out to be spewing crap.)

    The Department of Defense evinced more critical interest in the leaked memo than most of the press with a Saturday, Nov. 15, press release, confirming the memo's authenticity but claiming?without naming Hayes or the Weekly Standard?that it had been misinterpreted: "The classified annex was not an analysis of the substantive issue of the relationship between Iraq and al Qaida, and it drew no conclusions."

    The DoD objection is a bit of a red herring. Except for the Weekly Standard's grandiose title "Case Closed" (it should have been titled "Case Open"), the Hayes piece works assiduously (until its final paragraph, at least) not to oversell the memo. Hayes' ample quotations from the memo preserve much of the qualifying language that fudges any absolute case for the Saddam-Osama connection.

    This doesn't prevent Pincus from letting his sources rip the memo. One anonymous "former senior intelligence officer" quoted by Pincus sniffs that the memo is not an intelligence product but "data points ... among the millions of holdings of the intelligence agencies, many of which are simply not thought likely to be true."

    Help me! Many a reporter has hitched a ride onto Page One with the leak of intelligence much rawer than the stuff in Feith's memo. You can bet the farm that if a mainstream publication had gotten the Feith memo first, it would have used it immediately?perhaps as a hook to re-examine the ongoing war between the Pentagon and CIA about how to interpret intelligence. Likewise, you'd be wise to bet your wife's farm that had a similar memo arguing no Saddam-Osama connection been leaked to the press, it would have generated 100 times the news interest as the Hayes story.

    I write this not as a believer in the Saddam-Osama love child or as a non-believer. My mind remains open to argument and to data both raw and refined. Hayes' piece piques my curiosity, and it should pique yours. If it's true that Saddam and Osama's people danced together?if just for an evening or two?that undermines the liberal critique that Bush rashly folded Iraq into his "war on terror." And if it's true, isn't that a story? Or, conversely, if Feith's shards of information direct us to the conclusion that his people stacked the intel to justify a bogus war, isn't that a story, too? Where is the snooping, prying, nosy press that I've heard so much about?

    Finally, the memo isn't Feith's best sales pitch for the Saddam-Osama connection, nor does Hayes present it as such. As the DoD press release explains, the memo is Feith's response to the Senate Intelligence Committee's request for a catalog of intelligence reports that supports his July 10 testimony, a catalog that will help the committee locate the original reports from the various intelligence agencies. Given the leaky nature of the intelligence committee?with the Democrats and Republicans aggressively venting sensitive information to the press for political advantage?I'd be disappointed if we don't see some of the meaty original reports in the coming months. For open minds, the case does remain open.

  • lastcall

    Interesting article.Thanks.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    NOVEMBER 18, 2003
    Pentagon Debunks Reports on Osama-Saddam Ties
    Some Outlets Run With 'Weekly Standard' Story

    By Seth Porges

    NEW YORK -- Several newspapers and other media outlets had egg on their face Monday after reporting or endorsing a Weekly Standard story revealing new evidence of an "operational relationship" between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

    Several outlets, including the New York Post, The Washington Times and FOX News, ran with the story. There was just one problem: On Saturday, the Pentagon issued a press release stating that "news reports that the Defense Department recently confirmed new information with respect to contacts between al-Qaida and Iraq ... are inaccurate."

    The rest of the story:


  • Panda

    There is a famous Russo-Japanese War quote from an American which said "The Japanese never declare war until they attack." So making the plans and doing the deed was never enough to get Congress to build up the military in the Pacific, why, because Japan hadn't declared war on America. Six million Jews were murdered because the US wouldn't get involved and stop the genocide, why, because the Germans couldn't possibly be killing their own people. Today we have better information and excuse me if every citizen doesn't have access to military secrets. Need I mention that w/o American intervention that the French and English would speak German as their national language today... yeah no kidding. American soldiers, American blood, and American tax payers dollars preserved Euro-freedom and economy. Why do you object to helping others?

    Do you even know any soldiers serving in Afghanistan or Iraq? I do. They don't dislike the President, they believe in freedom for everyone. HeckAmerican soldiers are the good guys, the nice guys ---maybe too nice. President Bush is a regular good guy too.

    If you object to my final statement please refrain from responding because quite frankly I don't care for your attitudes.

    Give it a break you nay sayers. AlQueda beyond a reasonable doubt had a direct connection to the Bathists government.

  • lastcall
    If you object to my final statement please refrain from responding because quite frankly I don't care for your attitudes.

    Taking the ball and going home? I' don't think so.

    Give it a break you nay sayers. AlQueda beyond a reasonable doubt had a direct connection to the Bathists government.

    And what about our " ally" Saudi Arabia? Jordan?

    All we are asking for is proof.

    You say the connection is direct, but no one has, on any of these posts, presented anything that rises to the level of "direct connection."

    Your free to believe there is a direct connection, but don't jam it down our thoats with out any evidence .

    If Bush tomorow brought forth proof, I would be happy to accept it as such. Then you would be happy. I'll just be relieved.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    "If Bush tomorow brought forth proof, I would be happy to accept it as such. Then you I'll be happy. I'll just be relieved."

    Amen to that brother. I thought it was possible when Woolesy was selling it on all the news shows jsut after 9/11. I'm not convinced either way and no one seems to have gotten this to the level of proof. The evidence seems thin and from the public POV, quite contradictory, even for the intelligence community, where shards and wisps are the stock in trade.

  • Yerusalyim
    He states the foregoing regarding the us indian wars. Yet israel is relieving natives of their land, as did the american settlers to natives on this continent.

    That is a tired old and untrue arguement.

    The majority of the Arabs ;eft at the behest of the Arab armies...though some left because of the Jews...but the other part to that is that the Arabs were also immigrants...the population of that region around 1880 was under 100,000 according to Samuel Clemens.

    How many Palestinians have you seen removed from their homes? And what of the 600,000 plus Jews kicked out of their native born countries in the mideast with no compensation? Whose offering them their land back?

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