The Gospel According to Jehovah's Witnesses

by Vanderhoven7 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TonusOH
    proves conclusively

    Look, I don't believe in god or that any miracles in any ancient books/texts happened. But I cringe anytime anyone claims to have "absolute proof" or "conclusive proof" for or against any of those claims. Those words are, at the very least, doing some very heavy lifting. Just give us the facts and let us figure things out.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Would you believe;

    A pair of elders from a group I never heard of before (Yahweh's Saints) told me that those taking the lead in their organization are collectively the sole spokesmen for God on earth, Then they told me that they don’t have any leaders but Jesus Christ…which I found quite contradictory. I’ll call these guys non-leaders so you know who I’m talking about.

    They said that Jesus appointed 16 of their church non-leaders to be his Faithful Slave way back in 1937 in Toronto, Ontario Canada. (See Matthew 24:45-47) They said that their religion was the one true religion and that all others were Satan's organization. It’s fully Bible-based they said, but they couldn't show me Toronto, Canada in the Bible; nor could they name all 16 non-leaders or why Jesus appointed them. They said that 1934 was the year Jesus returned invisibly and started ruling which the second world war, affirms. Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE + 2520 years = 1934. It’s all in the Bible they said, and if I don’t believe that and follow their non-leaders I will die at Armageddon. Plain and simple.

    And no; they said they have not made any false predictions based on OT prophecies like cults have or handed out millions in child sex abuse cases because they report every allegation to authorities immediately whether the law obliges them or not. And they never banned blood fractions or alternate service or vaccinations or organ transplants. Their non-leaders are the only true channel of communication between Yahweh and mankind and that Jesus trusts them and therefore so should we. "What more proof do you need", they said, "believe this gospel and come to our victorious organization for salvation before it’s too late!"

    What should I tell them? Should I join Them? I mean, their beliefs are all Bible-based - right? Oh yes, then they cautioned me not to go to university or get married because there is not enough time for that.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Is Yahweh's Saints an offshoot of one of leading the Bible Students (Dawn Bible Students?) groups which argued with Rutherford regarding the year 1934 instead of 1914? makes use of the year 1933. It says in part the following.

    "In 588 BC Jerusalem was besieged by Babylon, leading to its destruction soon after. It is the start of the siege in January 588BC that is clearly marked by God as marking the last of the starting dates of the Times of the Gentiles, when Gentile dominion was fully established over Israel (see Jeremiah 52 and Ezekiel 24).
    2520 years take us to 1933 AD.

    In 1933, Bible-students who had been watching the fulfilment of the Times of the Gentiles, and who had seen signs of them ending in 1914, 1917, 1923, were expecting to see them finally end in 1933, but clearly they did not end at this time. However these believers were able to mark 1933 as a key spiritual end-point.
    This was the year God when, according to Romans 11:22, God spiritually cut off the Gentile nations (but not the Church) from the place of favour that they had been grafted into when Israel was cut off in October 33. For more explanation see the
    Appendix “What happened in 1933?” at the end.

    Summary. The Seven-Times started with the Babylonian Captivity (607-588BC). At the end of these Times, God should restore control of Jerusalem to Israel. Going forward 2520 years from the starting dates took us to 1914-1917-1923-1933. These are all key dates for the ending of the Times of Gentile domination and the re-establishment of Israel, but it was not until 1948 and 1967 that these Times finally ended. How can we understand this puzzle?

    The Missing Key: the Life of Christ. The missing clue is the special time of the life of Jesus Christ, the true King. As might be expected, the Messiah, Jesus who came to earth during these 7-Times, has put His imprint upon the course of these Times.
    He was here for almost 34 years (rounding up). Because of the presence of the King of Kings, these 34 years could not be counted as part of the Times of Gentile control. Thus God had to suspend His counting of these Times. Thus they must end over a 19 year period of time, 34 years later than the original calculation.

    *Adding 34 years to 1914 (the start of nation-shaking)
    takes us to 1948 - the rebirth of the nation of Israel!

    *Adding 34 years to 1933
    takes us to 1967 - the recapture of Jerusalem,

    This signalled and signified the end of the Times of the Gentiles (according to Luke 21:24). As 34 years measured the time from His conception/birth to His fullness, so the ending of these periods (in 1948 and 1967) saw the full manifestation of that which had their spiritual beginnings at the start of these periods (1914 and 1933).

    Thus the 7 Times were due to end in 1948 and 1967, when
    (1) Israel should be regathered to her land and reborn as a nation, and (2) regain control of Jerusalem.
    It is a fact of history that:
    (1) was fulfilled on May 14th, 1948 and
    (2) was fulfilled on June 6th, 1967.
    This is a clear sign that we are in the end-times." indicates that the views of the author of that site is not likely an offshoot of the JWs and the Bible Students.

  • Ding


    Before you join, ask them to show you the pyramid measurements which verify their timetable.

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