I may be trying out a new church....

by Eyebrow2 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow2

    My husband is agnostic, and I really have not been able to find a religion that I am comfortable with

    The last year or so I have really been missing having something community based and a wee bit spiritual to belong to, especially since moving to Texas, where I know just a few people and oh my god...EVERYONE down here seems to go to church. An organization that does not make me feel like I have to look at others and view them as bad becasuse they dont believe as i do.

    My husband and I have been joking that we needed to find a Church of Irreverence...but then I started re reading the Uniterian Universalist posts, and checked out the local website. My biggest thing is that I dont believe in the Trinity...and I think the bible is man's inspiration of what they think god is all about, not inspired by god. So, since they dont really have any creed...may be a good fit. It would be nice to have a place to go to a couple of times a month, and not worry that i have to pretend to beleive what others there believe.

    any suggestions or thoughts?

    wish me luck!

  • sens

    I have a friend who is a baptist...they actually dont sound that bad ...

    but the more 'born again' type churches...ie the benny hinn type really creep me out...

  • CoonDawg

    I go to the church of racing. No, seriously...when I move to Nasvhille, I knew no one. I got interested in racing and joined a car club. We have races about every two weeks at the speed way for about 10 months out of the year. For me, it was the perfect social setting. No religion, but a commonality and a way to meet new people. About 4 weeks ago, one of my friends that I met at the track (the first time I actually raced) got married, and I was one of his groomsmen. For me, social clubs were a great way to meet people. Most of these guys are white collar workers...engineers and the like. We welcome anyone who has a need for speed. I wouldn't limit my options to church if I were you. Look for charitable organizations to be involved with too, or other clubs. It can be really good.

    Good luck in your search.


  • SpunkyChick

    I think you'd find some nice spiritual unity at a Unitarian Universalist Church. If you don't believe in the trinity or even the bible for that matter, they will still welcome you.

  • Elsewhere

    I think you have a good idea with the Unitarians... you can also try the Church of Freethought.


  • Emma

    I think you'll be comfortable with UU's. I joined our local "chuch" about five years ago. I went all the time at the beginning with my young kids and it was a good community for all of us. If you disagree with something, just say so; dissent is welcome. My first question was "is this a christian based church?" Ours wasn't, though they may differ; isn't that nice! I don't go much right now, and that's ok, too. There are many social action groups to work with and much support of charities, very giving. Let us know how it goes.


  • rocketman

    Hmmm...maybe I'll have to do some research on the UU's. Sounds like an interesting group.

    Yes, let us know how it goes Eyebrow2.

  • rocketman

    Else, I checked out the Freethought site, and it's interesting as well. Thanks!

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    Here we go again...:)

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