vent: Got into it this morning with my wife agian. younger son wants to go to a B-day, i said he could...she turned cult.

by goingthruthemotions 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    Yep, he told her that he wants to go a friends b-day...keep in mind it's not until december. well anyway i told her i didn't mind if he did and i would take him.

    yep, enter cult mode.....i hate this freaking cult. she gave him this guilt trip that it would hurt her feelings if he went. i then told her. what about his feelings. I told her i am not going to take away his her childhood was taken away. she said it would eventualy come out to the elders. i said...well they better not approach me, not unless they are ready to get an ass kicking.

    i told her that she follows man just like the catholics worship the pope. and to show me scriptually where birthdays are not to be celebrated. i told her the rule was made up by man not the bible.

    i told her that getting involved with this religion was the worse mistake i evermade. i just hate this cult soooooo much. it has ruined my marraige.


  • freemindfade

    You must be confused... the witnesses don't force their kids to be witnesses (sarcasm)

    But seriously. I'm sorry. Take a deep breath it's a tough situation.

  • Gayle

    fortunately, your son has you. You have a window open for him, to get an open mind and heart. Hopefully, somehow you can present to your son simply that it is just his mom's religion but that you don't feel that way. Hopefully, you can present to him the alternative. But, hopefully, you can teach him respect for his mom also. It's a tight-rope walk, but it is possible.

    (I don'.t know your whole story, I can't keep track of all the ones here)

  • JWdaughter
    You are the head of the house. You will likely need to shop for the present and take responsibility for getting him there. Don't falter on that and hand your wife a weapon to insult you or damage you with son, please.
  • Boeing Stratofortress
    Boeing Stratofortress
    You have a window open for him, to get an open

    Very true. My wife would lay the guilt trip on my son for other things, like Scouts. The year before last, I took him up for a small plane ride for his B-day. When we were getting ready to go to the airport, she said something like "you were planning this, weren't you." With a smirk, I said, "yep," and off we went.

    Since then, I've shown him some of the news broadcasts about child abuse among the JWs. I've also explained to him how lawsuits work (the basics), plus I've gotten him thinking about the Kingdom Hall finances, and why the new Kingdom Hall hasn't been built yet in our community. He quickly put 2 and 2 together and postulated that maybe all those lawsuits were to blame! He's just 11, but he seems to be 'getting it.' Thankfully, our extended families are not JW, and I've never been one myself.

    Just be your boy's best bud, unconditionally. After a while, he'll see the difference between you and mommy. He might start asking, "how come mommy is like this, or that." No need to attack her personally, but you can attack the cult, and with some research, he should eventually 'get it.'

  • goingthruthemotions

    Thanks all, i love this site. i have talked with both our sons about the bad parts of the borg. i will take him to the b-day party.

    i just sit and wait for the hammer to drop. it will only drop 2 ways.

    1. she will want a divorce because i am an apostate.

    2. she will see the borg for what it is ( a cult) and has my youner son says. she and we will drift away from the cult.

    i know am betting on option 1. but, the hammer will drop and we will be nothing more than another watchtower statistic.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Look at the bright side. Your actions set an example for your child to follow when he grows up.
  • DesirousOfChange

    I think you should have the conversation with him about WHY you disagree with her views on birthdays. He's old enough to understand. Read from the Bible the only two examples of BDs. Explain WTs ridiculous view. Now read the scriptures that mention dogs. They are all negative. No Jew had a pet dog as they were unclean. If we apply JW logic about birthdays ("the only 2 BDs in the Bible were negative events"), then we cannot own dogs for pets either, because nothing good is said about dogs. Only negative. "All scripture is inspired. . . ." yada yada yada.

    I think an explanation is better than just "I hate everything about this &^%$ cult".



  • truthseeker100

    Doc:They are all negative. No Jew had a pet dog as they were unclean. If we apply JW logic about birthdays ("the only 2 BDs in the Bible were negative events"), then we cannot own dogs for pets either, because nothing good is said about dogs.

    I have never heard that reasoned out that way before. MMM It's a valid point to make in the context of the birthday celebration prohibition. Don't give them any ideas! LOL

  • Boeing Stratofortress
    Boeing Stratofortress
    2 Samuel, Ch 4, verses 5 through 7 clearly shows (based on the JW birthday logic), that we shouldn't take noontime siestas either!

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