I finally did it

by paradiseseeker 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • iwantoutnow

    Good strategy!

    Enjoy living your life your way!

  • blondie

    Even when "fading," well-meaning family and friends may try to "encourage" you to come back for some time. I caution that you don't get into any discussions about details as to why, just some ambiguous statement. There are many that have been shared on JWN, and perhaps to you in previous posts.

    We left 20 years ago, just stopped going, and the "encouragement" last for about 7 years, gradually fading to nothing at all now. But, don't say anything that could be interpreted as being negative about the WTS and its teachings.

    Glad to hear you have taken your first steps into freedom.


  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well done Paradise seeker! You have made one of the best decisions possible for a JW. Your future is in your own hands yours not theirs, you can make your own paths and go in whichever direction you chose.

    Throughout my life after leaving the org, I have had goals and achieved many of them. One of them was to do prehistoric archaeology and another was to make up for the absence of a proper education.

    As a JW you have your dreams trodden on by the GB and then you were kept strictly in line by the the witness company you kept. You were told that you were faulty and undeserving and needed the assistance of the Watchtower cult to succeed--all of it completely untrue.

    All in all it's better to be yourself, depend on your own judgement and learn, sometimes by mistakes, how to be a useful and happy human being. All the best to you in your new life without the Watchtower tentacles holding you back.

  • Giordano

    So having been out with my pioneer wife for some 53 years I can agree with those 'short timers' lol......... that it was the best decision we ever made.

    For a while it was just the two of us and a few 'leavers' who also opted to walk away. I would have become a 'bystander JW' just to keep some old friendships intact but realized that you couldn't stay in that tribe and be indifferent to their beliefs and customs.

    So It was over for us.

    These days the JW's really close ranks if you no longer want to be a part of all of their meetings, assumptions and silly beliefs.

    If new friends and/or acquaintances are on your to do list.......... keep in mind that real relationships and real friends don't happen immediately........ a friendship has to be grown organically. Your not going to instantly bond with people who come from all walks of life. In the JW world being a JW gave you a certain level of immediate access.

    My wife and I found that getting involved with a volunteer community activity was one of the best way to meet the best people and do some real good in your community.

    Good luck to you. Your a real hero in our eyes. Now make your life work for you.

  • redvip2000

    As a fader myself, I encourage you to take this approach. There is a lot of upside to this. Also, why give them the legitimacy of notifying them via a letter? Just stop going, be vague about it, unless you notice someone is asking with the intention of actually listening and not judging.

  • millie210

    Good for you!

    Everyone has said all the things above I would say so just know that I am happy for you. If you have any minor set backs just come here and get advice from people who care about you for all the right reasons.

  • pleaseresearch

    Well done Paradiseseeker. You have certainly done the write thing brother. It can be very hard to make this decision that you have. I just hope your family are loving and kind to you after. But you know it was right to leave. I've been out for over 10 years. I have a 14 year old daughter. I wouldn't want her around this. Raised in this religion most of my life so it's still in my head as it will be yours. But enjoy your life and know we are all here for you.

  • paradiseseeker

    Thank you all for your kind words and your advice. So far I don't see such a huge change in my life (I've been living on my own for a year) but I'm certainly more calm, I sleep much better, I'm more focused on my work and on my personal development and I feel happier now. I hope this is is just the beginning 😁

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