Why JWs record and report time?

by ThinkerBelle 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThinkerBelle
    Okay, so yes, I'm a born-in, but this point has always baffled me (and I guess I never bothered to research or ask). What is the purpose of counting time in service? When was it started and why? Since I'm still effectively "practicing" by motions, I don't keep track of my time during the month and just write random numbers on the sheet at the end of the month to look like I'm active (I've hardly been out at all over the last couple months, I just can't bring myself to talk about something I don't believe in).....how many others do this (I know I can't be the only one)? That would make the yearly reports not very accurate in proving growth.
  • Finkelstein

    The abbreviated answer to why is that the JW religion has a publishing house operating at its core so the orchestrative leaders want to know how well the literature is being distributed and the reason why the CO's visit congregations to view and evaluate for themselves the hours spent in service, the literature placements, as well the number of bible studies.

    Its definitely going beyond what is written in the bible and how JC directed his Gospel to be preached.

  • sparrowdown

    Partly for control, but there would be other reasons. Mandatory reporting of fs time adds to the illusion that they have authority.

    If people are obligated and entangled it makes it much harder to leave. And judging by the amount of people under WT control it's very effective. Even people who are fully awake continue to report to avoid the consequences of not reporting. So yeah reporting serves a useful purpose - for them.

  • Diogenesister

    Interesting question though thinkerbelle, does anyone know when reporting time started or has it always been?

    As finkie baby says, it is a publishing house after all.

    Love your handle thinkerbelle btw!

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    God will look into his book to see how many hours you have spent

    in the preaching work. If it's less the 10 hours month you will be in deep sh--t.

    You may not get a beach front property in the new system, you may be stuck

    in the South Pole.

  • whathappened
    It certainly is a good way for the elders to keep tab on those who are weak in the ministry. It is all indeed, a matter of control. They control your behavior because you have to report every month. It makes you form a mindset that is beneficial to the cult.
  • sir82

    What is the purpose of counting time in service?

    Not sure about the origin, but one of the most practical current purposes is to provide a litmus test for anyone who is being considered for appointment as ministerial servant or elder.

    THE number one, bar none, absolutely and completely MOST important "qualification" for appointment is "10 or more hours per month on your field service report".

    Biblical qualifications? Shmiblical qualifications! It's hours, hours, hours, and then maybe we might consider the Bible.

    Also at or near the top is "hours" for everyone in the candidate's immediate family.

  • stuckinarut2

    "spirituality" is defined by "outward activity" in witness-world....

    Instead of "living as Christians" its mainly about "activity on a report slip"

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    The requirement started around the early 20's. My theory is that it was originally motivated by the need to support the men's claim of being a minister before the draft board. One of the things that got Rutherford in jail in 1918 was that they were giving an affidavit of 'membership' but didn't have a way to prove it, beyond the lame reason that he subscribed to the W T . The time record has still served that purpose in more recent times.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2
    I'll never even so much as look at one of those stupid things again ! Standing at the street corner making little notes about the 'householder' and so on. Then studiously filling in the boxes in RV's mags an so forth. Busy work for the Culture Club. Up your nose with a rubber hose GB !

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