Music Banned by the WTS

by Nosferatu 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Valis

    Some Latin songs feature obscene lyrics. Some contain double entendres, while others are erotic or sexually explicit. Political issues, violence, and rebellion are also prominently featured in a number of songs. For example, the Mexican music known as corrido has long been a favorite among many Latinos. Recently, however, a new type of corrido known as narco corrido is becoming popular. These songs relate the violent stories of drug traffickers, portraying them as heroes. Some mariachi songs also promote offensive themes, glorifying drunkenness, male chauvinism, or nationalism. Similar concerns exist regarding the lyrics in merengue, salsa, and other types of Latin music.

    Some who enjoy Latin music do not understand the lyrics. Unwittingly they could find themselves enjoying songs that promote sexual immorality, violence, or even the occult. Those who understand Spanish can become oblivious to the lyrics of questionable songs while dancing to their catchy and happy rhythms. Deep respect for Bible standards, however, should impel us to examine carefully each and every song that is played in our homes and at social gatherings. This will prevent us from listening or dancing to the beat of songs containing lyrics that are offensive to God.


    District Overbeer of the "Salsa & Sleaze" class

  • sens
    Deep respect for Bible standards, however, should impel us to examine carefully each and every song that is played in our homes and at social gatherings.

    yer right ... like they are really going to take notice of

  • SanFranciscoJim

    What the WTBTS doesn't tell you is if you play their Kingdom Songs backwards, they all say things like "All Hail to Smurfs", and "Apostates Rule".

  • kgfreeperson

    The bit about Beethoven and Schubert is hysterical!

  • gambit
    Time magazine said: "The band names alone conjure up images of mayhem, torture and death." The same can be said of the horrifying artwork that adorns the album covers and that often depicts satanic symbols.

    And they've never done this with the WT covers

    In virtually all rock 'n' roll dances done by youths, the partners do not touch. The twist is viewed by many as having been the beginning of this type of dancing. An interviewer for Look magazine reported awhile back:

    "The characteristic dances of our new age of revelry are all variants of the twist. . . . The dancers do not touch, they do not talk. . . . Each does whatever charade the name of the dance calls for. . . . They look as if their bodies are screaming.

    Isn't this the way we were taught... don't touch or talk (without the 3rd party there)! It might lead to kissing... and then you know what immediately follows

    Youths in many lands may not realize how repulsive these names are because they are in English or another foreign language.

    Is this only an English speaking version of the WT... I can't take this anymore...

    Where is Blondie... She should be able to show that they are guilty of all these same crimes !

  • DFWnonJW

    sens, it is 'Keif", or the second Glimmer Twin as it were. But he does drugs?????

    I didn't see it listed but I'm sure that somewhere they've outlawed any and all odd time music too.

  • drwtsn32
    doc? and u happend to be there right?? lmao

    LOL! Down with Pepsi!!!

  • drwtsn32

    One time I got rid of a Bon Jovi tape because it was specifically mentioned on stage.

  • sens

    One time I got rid of a Bon Jovi tape because it was specifically mentioned on stage.

    yer well they have always sucked so in this case the bro's were right

    n dun give me that bout the pepsi....

  • drwtsn32
    yer well they have always sucked so in this case the bro's were right

    LOL... actually you're right. I had weird tastes back then.

    n dun give me that bout the pepsi....

    Coke is better.

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