Why I care about people who see racism everywhere

by StephaneLaliberte 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Diogenesister

    .....Because fairness is important to you. I am the first person to speak out on unfairness, too, due to my past, when I see it. Especially racism. I saw it all the time as a child but from where I was it was very dark skinned girls who were bullied by their lighter skinned black friends. In fact I often found it interesting that these very dark skinned girls would often marry white men, precisely because they didnt disparage them for their colour and simply saw a beautiful women.

  • MeanMrMustard
    Mustard, I would be suing the pants of the place. I know there are a lot of court suits being settled out of the press or fake news. People who don't have their heads up their ass need to sue every time the left gets stupid and they are being stupid a lot as of late.

    Well, if he has a suit, maybe he’ll give it a shot - who knows. Given the fact pattern here, my guess is that they would settle it pretty fast.

    But I pasted that video because snare&racket posted something that underscores some of the left/right divide. Notice that in the video, pretty much everything the woman claimed was false. But even after all the details became known, and everyone knew it was hoax hate, she was still defended based on her “lived experience”. The subjective experiences, and subjective interpretation of those experiences override the facts. To me that seems very destructive. I honestly don’t understand the viewpoint. It makes more sense that it is a ploy for a power grab.

  • mickbobcat

    One silver lining I just sold my extra copy of And to think I saw it on Mulberry st for 300 bucks on my etsy account. Paid for my new pistol.

  • Magalamore

    I recently realized that in the Witness world we were living under the same tactics in the 'small realm' that are now blatantly obvious that we all are living under in the 'larger realm'..i.e. the world.

    The need for censoring and silencing of critical voices, the revising of history, approved sources of information only, labeling of 'apostates' and thought criminals. Adhering to rules and virtue-signaling. Check out 'HardBastard News' on Bitchute.com ex JW pretty funny mocking of the 'woke' news and culture.

  • redvip2000
    Calling someone or something "racist" should be done carefully.

    Not anymore. It is now a simple (and often effective) way to try to silence others, or to shut down policy that is against one's own ideology.

    For example the voting law that went into effect in Georgia. Didn't favor the left, so as expected they immediately called it racism, just like they do with everything else. That is the new move.

    Being called a racist carried some weight, but it's getting to the point where it will be meaningless. It will get much worse before it gets any better.

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