WT Ruining Members' Futures

by HiddlesWife 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Foolednomore

    After many Con-ventions that the topic of No education was pushed. My parents sent me to college anyway. The elders where not to happy about that. But my dad asked them if their where going to support the family finances? We all know how the response to that.

  • LongHairGal


    Sorry! What you said isn’t totally accurate! It’s superficial and doesn’t tell the whole story.

    Yes, it’s true there are many people around who have little to no savings…HOWEVER, they did not belong to the JW religion that tells people Not to plan, not to get an education and Not to get a decent job. This is a guaranteed recipe for failure!

    These non-JWs predicament is partly because of an appallingly bad economy plus poor planning, etc.

    Not only that, the broke baby boomers in the JW religion had a great economy back in the day but didn’t take advantage of it.. Even somebody without a degree could have a fairly decent retirement if they stayed with a job long enough!

    But these JWs threw it away with both hands and made sure people like me who worked full time weren’t invited anywhere.

    Are these ‘worldly’ people in the same boat now as JWs? It may seem that way but they are not hampered by a religion so at least they can take on work and not worry about ‘missing meetings’ 🙄.

  • Rivergang

    As the old saying goes " To try is to risk failure - but to fail to try is to guarantee it".

    Here in the JWs you have a religious group that doesn't even recommend you give it a try - whether it be education, a decent job, a retirement plan, life insurance or similar. (I well recall the old, canned remark that used to be thrown around whenever the subject of life insurance came up - i.e. "The Kingdom is my life insurance policy".)

    These attitudes are certainly reinforced when their young people grow up being told things like that they will "never grow old in this system". Furthermore - when the R&F are continually being reminded that the world will be conquered "in the 1970s", or that the "preaching work" will be completed "This century" (i.e. the 20th), or at the very least it certainly will be all over "soon" - these ideas become well and truly entrenched. Of course, those that then suffer the worst from these unwise actions are the most conscientious of the Jehovahs Witnesses - like the 55-year-old mentioned in that earlier example.

    THAT is what it has to do with religion - or this one, at least!

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