JWs in The Workplace: What Type Were/Are You?

by Room 215 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    I was more of a # 3 type with some attitudes of a #1. A couple of jobs it was known immediately that I was a JW because other JWs worked there. Fortunately, in the jobs with JWs they were as weak as me so we fitted in quite well.


  • smack


    shhhhhhh don't tell mom


  • Piph

    I was a #1. I wouldn't hardly talk to anyone and didn't get involved in the friendly banter around me, made no close friends. They knew I was a Witness because I didn't sign B-day cards, although I sat alone at my desk guiltily eating B-day cake (I can never resist cake). But I hated witnessing. I remember some non-Witness girl giving me the perfect set-up....she was standing there talking and saying, "This world is such a horrible place to live in. I don't feel safe sending my son to school. Can you believe how horrible things are getting? What do you think's causing it??" My conscience was killing me, because I knew what I was supposed to do. But I just couldn't do it. I just shook my head and said, "I don't know." LOL

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Definately #3. All the way through school, and the five years I was working before I was df'd.

    I was a naughty girl.

  • integ

    I was a #3 most of the time. I would actually go out and have a smoke with my co-workers at times before I got baptized.


  • jws

    I was a type #3, but I didn't reveal that I was a JW under duress. I didn't advertise it, but I was open about it. Like, when asking questions about customs at the upcoming Christmas parties and such, I'd explain that I'd never gone to one because I was a JW. My worst fear was that another JW would join the office and hear about all the things I'd been involved in (x-mas parties, birthday parties, going out drinking, etc.).

  • Elsewhere

    I was a number-one'er

    Then all of a sudden I could not take the JW life anymore and snapped! Next thing everyone knew I was running around making blood donations!

  • Lapuce

    I was a number 3 all the time, it was hard sometimes as there were 3 number 2 JW at work which would make my life misurable when they were around..... I really had a double life as it was more fun to be with the worldly boys then being with those dubs.


  • maxwell

    I was a #1. Partly because, I'm naturally a quiet person. I never brought literature to work except to read while riding the Metrorail and I really did bring it to read not to try to engage someone in conversation.

    I told a few people that I was a JW, when they asked or things came up like parties. One was a former office mate and I told my boss once. But I think he probably forgot. One year I was a JW. The next year I wasn't and I decided to go to the Christmas party. Nobody, including my boss thought it was strange or questioned whether I had changed my religion. So it was that much below the radar. My past or present religious beliefs simply aren't important at work and rarely if ever comes up, but I wouldn't hide it if for some strange reason it did come up.

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