Jesus, Mary and Da'Vinci

by Sentinel 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balsam

    I have been a good deal of reading also about the sources of the bible writing and have come to the conclusion that the bible is a collection of myth, borrowed stories, and were never meant to be taken literally as so many Christian religion do.

    Frankly I feel liberated from its bondage. Has anyone seen the VHS tape put out by IRES called "The Naked Truth" it is enlightening. There are a ton of research books out there too, like "Jesus and the lost Goddess" by Freke I found interesting.


  • cruzanheart

    Great point, Sentinel! I always wondered about the power of the "dark side," that it could overshadow truth if a person merely looked at the teachings of a different religion. After all, the truth was supposed to be stronger than a two-edged sword, right? I LOVE being able to explore new ideas about the Bible; I feel like my brain has awakened from a long sleep.


  • waiting

    aw mannnnnnnnnn. I thought those books were more mystery than Bible stuff. Just ordered them off Amazon.

    Okay.....y'all can have your thread back now.

    Paid good money for them too.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well actually it is mystery waiting. The Bible doesn't really come into play. What does are the characters of the Bible, i.e. Jesus and Mary (and a little bit of Peter), but mainly the focus is who held the secrets not spoken of in the Bible and where are those secrets now?

    It's a fun book, but I don't know seriously I take the whole theory.

  • zeena1998

    Ok...I know that it's really late in the thread and all but this one topic is a real button pusher for me. Having been brought up Catholic, there was much there that did not make sense to me and I've spent a lifetime searching for answers. This book just made sense to me, if ya'll know what I mean. Don't have a clue as to whether or not the theories are true or not, I just know that I most certainly do believe in them. Another interesting thread of the book (and not covered in the TV show) was the origination of "religion". Before man decided to organize it all, worship was basically a femine thing...and by that I mean that goddesses were all around. Female symbology was everywhere and people were quite happy with this arrangement. Along comes Jesus and his diciples. Still all is well in the world...both systems seems to be working together. Then comes this dude who's on a power trip (King Constantine I believe) and decides that women are not to be trusted and are to be reviled as "weak" and "second-class". According to one theory, this is when history was re-written and women were made out to be of no consequence unless of course it was in a negative light. Ergo, Mary becomes a prostitute. Her gospel is thrown out (or re-written as John's) as are all other gospels refering to her in a positive light. The theory goes on to say how the remaining gospels are reworked to minimize Mary's significance in Jesus's life. Subsequently, the "holy grail", as we've come to know it, is to be the lost gospels as well as the lineage of Mary and Jesus.

    Again, I don't know if any of this is true or not, all I know is that, for me at least, it all makes sense. What I would give for the time and the money to be able to go back to school and to truly study this area. I find it soooo very incredibly fascinating.

    Anyways, just my 2 cents.


  • bebu

    I don't want to sound like a party pooper... but here goes some poop.

    I find it interesting that years of intense research of every sort gets brushed away as fast as a fly in your face for a fiction novel that is suddenly true because of "lots of evidence"... And what is that "evidence"? Theories based on rumors. To me, a few dots that are too far to connect. (But we all enjoy conspiracy, so connect them anyway.)

    This reminds me of how, after the movie "The Men in Black" was first released, hundreds of folks started sharing experiences about aliens and the "REAL" men in black who were a real FBI secret.... Alien abductions, when first introduced, had "lots of evidence", too, I hear. I wonder what new theories will come in next year's novels.

    Sorry to be stodgy guys (really!), but it sounds like a new bunch of "troof" to me, even without the WT involved in any way.


  • waiting

    so the mystery continues.

    Actually, theories have abounded for centuries on both sides - it's just not been publicized so much

    Men have ruled over women for centuries too in most countries. Could there be a connection somewhere? eh? eh?

    Looking forward to reading my mystery books.

  • Michael3000

    I read recently that Ron Howard will be directing the movie version of "The DaVinci Code". Hmmm...

  • cruzanheart

    And who will be the stars? How about Pierce Brosnan for the male lead (yeah, I know, I'm prejudiced!) and Juliette Binoche for the female lead? Oh, wait, she has to have red hair. Well, that's what hairdressers are for. Sean Connory for the English lord. Definitely.


  • Mulan

    Nina, I thought of Sean Connery too. I was thinking of Tom Hanks for the lead...............he's an American, remember and Tom is a very close friend of Ron Howard.

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