What Would Happen If You Just Walked Into A Kingdom Hall This Sunday?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I would hope that the person that kidnapped me would be arrested and serve a full term.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I would like to come to the memorial in april with several friends,

    sit in the same row of seats, "partake of the emblems" and shout, "thankyou jesus"!


  • freedom96

    It would also depend on how I was dressed. If I looked the part of a witness, then some might say something. If I looked like a worldly person, who knows, but might be greeted with caution.

    If I went back to the hall I grew up in, where I have not seen people in 17 years, I would be greeted warmly by just about everyone who was still there. They don't know how I feel about the organiztion, though most know my parents are out.

  • minimus

    Dan, Little Witch and Stacy---2 funny!!!!.....I told my wife we could be expected to be "love--bombed" first (then firebombed later).

  • SheilaM

    just the thought makes me feel like this

  • JeffT

    I think it would hit the fan pretty quickly, although it would take them a minute to recognize me.

    I can hear a (short) conversation in my head:

    Elder Friendly: "Jeff, don't the brothers have something to say about that beard?"

    Jeff: "I don't know. I haven't been in a kingdom hall since 1988 and there are Pastors at our church that have beards. Want to see the cross Debbie gave me for Christmas?"

    As I said, a short conversation.

  • JH

    If I just walked in to a KH, like I did so often after missing many months, first of all they would all notice me in 1 second. I would feel scanned from everywhere. I would sit somewhere in the back. One or two brave ones would come and say hello, usually elders or MS. They would be in shock almost. They would say to themselves, "he's here only for 1 or 2 meetings and then we won't see him for a year or so". So they wouldn't go full steam in welcoming me, because they saw me come and go so often before. I would have to struggle to get a watchtower magazine to follow the study, like every time I went back. Usually after 15 minutes someone gave me thier own copy of the magazine because none were available. The last time I went, I had none, and never went back. If I went back, the elders would say to themselves, "tell him that we want to talk to him after the meeting".

    Déja vu.

  • Gadget

    I actually went to a meeting the other week. The look on peoples faces was a picture, and two of them got up and walked out.

  • JH

    Two of them walked out?

    You should go more often, maybe more would walk out and never come back.

  • shera

    I think some people would be happy to see me there.People wouldn't talk to me and I imagine the elders would ask me 20 questions.

    BUT,I will really never know,because I will never go into a kingdom hall again.

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