by morty 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    God what I would do for a smoke right now! You see my afternoon started off ok until.........

    I had my credit cards stolen and all my cash out of my purse......I was going to my girlfriends house to pick her up to go birthday shopping for my son...I pulled into her laneway,ran into get her and left my van unlocked and running.(thinking I would be 15 seconds)When I got there her child had hurt himself so she was panicing.I got her calmed down and got her son all cleaned up...After this event I had forgotten that my van was still running(15-20 mins)He turned out to need a couple of stitches in his chin...We then left the hospital to go home.I stopped to get gas,pumped it,then went to pay....Was I ever pissed to relise I was ripped off....they never got to far with my credit cards, but got 200.00 bucks from me.After looking around inside my van,I also relised they took my sons hockey equipment....It just burns my ass,that people can do this in broad day light with the van running,knowing that somebody cant be to far away,and go into someones purse and take their hard earned money!..My poor son missed his hockey game as well due to the fact,that he had nothing to wear for the game....Yes I called the cops....There response was, I dont think you will get anything back,but we will make a report so you can put an insurance claim in,but you will have to pay the deductable....well thanks for coming out jerks! Sorry for venting,but I am so pissed about the whole thing! Where the hell is justice when your a victim?Why the hell should I pay for it? and my son for that matter......


  • SanFranciscoJim

    I don't know about Canada's tax laws, but in the USA, theft is a tax deduction.


    Somtimes people really suck .......sorry to hear


  • Sassy

    awe morton068, I am so sorry!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{morton068}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • shamus

    People can be really cruel sometimes... why on earth would they steal hockey equipment? I mean, c'mon people!

    How much is it really worth? I know it's a hell of a lot of $$$ to replace it!

    People suck. You just cannot trust anyone nowadaze.

  • Mac

    ((Mort))....very sorry to hear that.......I think it's the feeling of violation that is even worse than the material loss.


  • moonwillow

    (((mortons68))) I hope they can some how recover some or all your stuff!

    Why is it such a cruel world we live in?

  • Gadget


    I got my credit card stolen in Dublin on Thursday, but I got it cancelled before anyone could use it. It hasn't actually cost me any money, but I now have to wait up to 2 weeks while they send me a replacement!


  • frenchbabyface


  • Scully


    You might want to check second hand stores (like Play It Again Sports) or pawn shops for your son's hockey equipment. Take the police report with you and any original receipts if you still have them and if there are any particular identifying marks on the equipment you may be able to get your equipment back. If you find your son's equipment, tell the owner right away that this merchandise was stolen from your vehicle - show the police report (do not give it to them) and say that you are going to call the police immediately.

    Chances are that the store owner will prefer to take the loss for whatever he paid for it, than risk his entire business/livelihood over a buying stolen merchandise rap.

    Love, Scully

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