Must Visit Site - Seriously

by waiting 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hello all,

    Came across this link on h20. This site is about children being killed almost always by persons known, and/or loved by them.

    Very serious, very real, very sad & true. And it continues.

    Please go visit and read. It was curious that those who signed the guest book, (so far as I read) have never come across anyone who has actually ever witnessed this crime of murder in actuality.

    I have. To my knowledge and remembering, 5 little boys and 1 girl were killed that I saw. Sadly, I have no evidence, so I suppose it wouldn't be proper for them to be listed at this site. It happened decades ago, and thousands of children have been killed since then. But I suppose their parents missed them. Before you ask, yes, I did search with my husband for years to find their parents. Worked with the police. No success. Perhaps it didn't happen - perhaps only in my mind. But I remember their names and what they were wearing, the smell of their skin & hair. Their eyes - life, then death. Strange how accute the senses are - even after all these years. The smell of death is quite unique.

    So, for all I can't prove - go visit and perhaps something can be done for those children who have been murdered - and it can be proven.


    [url=]Heaven's Littlest Angels[/url]

  • Zep

    You actually witnessed a Murder Waiting?

    The closest i've ever come to death, as far as witnessing it first hand, was when i saw a 13 yr old get bowled over by a Semi trailer a couple of months ago.It was horrific, nothing like TV!.His parents would have shellshocked the night the cops came round to tell the story!.This is one reason i want to believe in God, i cant accept that a 13 yr olds life could be that meaningless, that pointless....but i dont know, God is a tough question for me!.I'm basically an agnostic straying into atheism at times now?.The again, I sort of believe????????

  • waiting

    Hey Zep,

    My belief in God, as far as an adult views it, is relatively ok, I just don't question Him on where He was. However, it's been my experience, even when I do question Him, He doesn't respond.

    As for what happened to those children? God, according to the Society, lets these things happen. Perhaps God blinked. But then, either way, children have always been expendable - they have little protection.

    Did you know, I believe it was in New York at the turn of the century, that the first child taken from his parents for being nearly beaten to death over a time period) was protected as an animal?

    There was a law that you couldn't beat your animal to death - but no law for children. So the neighbors who would hear the beatings finally took the child before a judge. Just walked right in the courtroom and ask him to save the child.

    He said there was no law provided to save the child. However, if the child was deemed an animal, he could - under law - save it. So the little child was made an animal and lived.

    True story - rather demonstrates the high regard we have of children. Obviously, the laws are better now, but human nature is not.

    My father was grosteque in his sexual perversities. Because my mother worked days, and he nights, he ended up babysitting for me. My father also liked an audience and was not shy. Therefore, from first memory on, I saw many things. However, I cannot prove much.

    I can't prove these children were raped and killed. And over the years, I think about them less than all the time. I do have some evidence, besides my memories, that my father raped, beat and killed almost every poor animal our family ever had. And if one can do that, it can be viewed that one could murder other things.

    Since children and animals are sometimes viewed on the same level - it's not surprising my father did also.

    He was not a nice man - we all agree on that.


  • Zep

    You know, they say there are 3 warning factors that indicate that someone might develop in a serial killer!.Ones pyromania, cruelty to animals, and other is that you were abused in someway when you were a child?.

    There was an Ad campaign on TV down here awhile back, not defending molesters or anything, but pointing out the fact that a lot of those who go onto molest kids were actually molested or abused themselves...a vicious circle or sorts!Maybe your Father was abused too, then again maybe he just plain evil? Maybe just both!

  • waiting

    Hey Zep,

    Thanks for talking, I usually scare people away when talking such things - even though they happen, people don't really want to know about it. Which allows the rape/murder of children to continue.

    My father was raised in the rural country by a strict Nazarene mother (did you ever see One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? She wasthe nurse.) His father was a drunken beater. No doubt he had problems. All 5 of their children grew up strange. Prostitute, preacher, factory workers.

    But having problems does not excuse people. We all have problems in relative degrees. I also don't think he was crazy - that too easy of an out. I rather think he was quite sly & intelligent, perverse, and perhaps evil. He made anything alive around him suffer, if they happened to be smaller than he was.

    Btw, he was also a good neighbor, worked at the same job 20 yrs, same wife for 25 yrs, never in trouble with the police. Scary, huh?


  • Zep

    Theres a fine line between saniety and insaniety sometimes.In 1996 we had the worst Gun massacre by a lone gunman at Port Arthur...This guy shot at point blank, with a semi automatic, a 5 year old and 3 year old and the mother.He killed 35 people and wounded 20 others...destroyed a community!.Hes gone away for the rest of his life, will never get out!.But honestly, since i didn't know anyone that he killed and not to excuse what he did, i dont hate him or feel anger to him now, i mean everyone did at the time, the whole state was in outrage...but now i just pity the guy, he was that pathetic.Although he was techically Sane...he was also insane, had a form of autism called ashbergers syndrome, which makes him a sort of socio-path or psychopath, meaning he cant empathize with others to the extent normal people do, and he was bullied a lot a school.He was a natural disaster just waiting to happen almost, thats what a Psychologist said, and how people should try an view him, in that way people would heal better from the trauma if they just viewed him as a freak of nature.I mean,its very easy to say that when your not personnally involved, i remember when the trial came round there was one lady who had her 15 yr old killed down there, and she was a wreck, she was bent out of complete hate while others were just resigned to it and were dealing better with it, it seemed, accepting he was just a freak, they even showed signs of being sorry for the idiot, without condoning what he did!

  • waiting

    Hey Zep,

    You would have gotten a long post about my father except my Windows 98 decided to freeze. Lucky you.

    I have empathy for the mother of the dead boy and her grief. Her anger was probably her driving force during that time period. As an adult parent, I've never had to deal with the death of a child. I don't know if I could survive.

    My father was not like that man. I read every book I could find to try to understand him. Nothing came close to him and his actions - on the open market. My therepist, after a while, gave me some of her books to read so I could put into some kind of sense what my father was. He had a conscience - it just didn't override his actions. He had perverse needs and wants, and had no empathy for others. So when the needs/wants became great enough - he acted out.

    I do not pity, nor forgive him. Professionals are still arguing over whether it's an essential part of healing to forgive the perpretrator. I think it should be the victim's choice. Perhaps not the best choice, so be it.

    One of the most baffling concepts of dealing with my father in my memories was to understand how he could be normal most of the time - and so perversely demented at others. Picture a smoldering volcano, and yourself walking around the rim, knowing the fire inside. The fire doesn't erupt all at one time - but is nevertheless in constant movement. The fire just explodes and erupts every now and then. That's the best example of my father's mind, always smoldering.

    I had no where else to go but to walk around that volcanic rim for 18 and more years. Just watching it, trying to figure out when it would erupt and who it would burn, and try to stay out of it's way.

    On the everyday side, my life, and his, was really quite normal. I think that's what stupifies my mind the most. The very fact of being normal. The Nazis were able to accomplish that "normal" and "perversely evil" at the same time also. They killed 8 million plus people. Major studies have been done to try to understand how they, and persons like my father, tick.


    Edited by - waiting on 19 July 2000 6:17:30

  • Zep

    I have empathy for the mother of the dead boy and her grief. Her anger was probably her driving force during that time period. As an adult parent, I've never had to deal with the death of a child. I don't know if I could survive.

    >It would be very hard.In this case though, the hate wasn't driving the woman at all, she was coping the least well i feel, she just destroyed!

    I do not pity, nor forgive him. Professionals are still arguing over whether it's an essential part of healing to forgive the perpretrator. I think it should be the victim's choice. Perhaps not the best choice, so be it.

    >I'd agree with that too, revenge or the feeling that justice has been done, and that your life or suffering isn't worthless has to be acknowledged first.Hate and revenge are probably empty emotions in the end but they are better than nothing and feeling totally useless.I dont know about forgive, you sure have to hate first a lot before you could forgive... i would never forgive the guy who killed all those people.I just pity him, he's like looking at a piece of dog shit!.To forgive would take a long long time to reach! Maybe those Buddhists could do it, myself, i'd wanna hit someone first before i got the point of forgiving or trying to understand someone guilty of a henous crime like molestation or murder!

    I read a little about serial killers, they're the kind of people that make your skin crawl, they sound a lot like your father, very cunning, cold, psychopathic maybe....but also able to just blend into the crowd, make no noise!.The real monsters in this world dont have fangs or foam at the mouth, they're just everyone else....on the outside anyway!

    Edited by - Zep on 19 July 2000 7:25:16

  • overthehillgrandma

    oh waiting, this is horrible.....what ever became of your father? I wish I could give you a big hug right now,..

  • RedhorseWoman

    Oh, my! waiting....*****HUGS****

    What an awful way to grow up. I read a book once, but I can't remember the title right now, that postulated that some people are just evil. They are perfectly sane, but they do things that most would consider insane. They don't see any problem with what they're doing, they simply do things because they want remorse, no guilt, no empathy for their victims.

    It sounds as if your father might fit into this classification. If so, I would think it would be terribly hard to forgive him.

    My sister has always showed signs of this type of temperament. Her manifestations were more of the emotional type, however. She manipulated everyone in the family for years.

    She also, however, physically abused her children...which we didn't realize until later. My nephew (whom she abandoned when he was 15) still has nightmares that his mother will come one night to kill him.

    We went through one totally weird incident at my father's deathbed. I had picked up my nephew (who was then living with a foster family) and took him to the nursing home to see his grandfather for the last time.

    My sister and her new boyfriend were there. At that point she had decided she hated me (another long story), and had her boyfriend take my mother out of the room. As soon as Mom was gone, my sister physically attacked me, tried to punch my daughter (who at that time was 9 years old), and attacked her own son.

    I had spent years trying to justify her actions, and this totally vicious attack absolutely floored me.

    Trying to make sense of these types of people is futile. I know how all of this has affected my nephew. I hope that eventually he'll be able to get his life back.

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