Is the WT working on any new doctrinal changes

by fearnotruth22 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ignored_one

    After the recent pinata(sp?) business maybe the allowing of birthdays, mother's day, father's day etc? I can't see them changing their stance on Xmas and Halloween anytime soon though.


    Ignored One.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Folks, I never said the WTBTS would get rid of 1914; I said that it causes them considerable discomfort and embnarassment. They may pay it lip service from time to time, but a comparison of current Watchtowers and those of 40 or 50 years ago will show that they refer to it far less frequently, and almost never repeat the mantra of 607 plus 2520 minus zero year = 1914 that once was on the lips of any JW that one would care to ask.

    In common with so many of us on this forum, I suspect the WTBTS is doing its own version of ``the slow fade" with respect to 1914.

  • JT

    just wanted to add my 2

    about 5 months ago i spoke to a person a bethel, who has pretty good knowledge of what is happening he just has been at bethel to long to leave and feels that some good can be done from the inside once the OLD GUARD DIES OFF

    we debate that issue, but that is for another day

    anyway we can expect to see more DFing Offenses being moved over to DA status, the reason is simple, the wt knows they have many many cheese and cracker men WHO even by WT standards don't qualify, but the can't give the impression to the rank and file that SOME ELDERS ARE not really appointed by HS-

    so to avoid more legel issues by having Cheese and Cracker Men, screw up they will simply move more df offenses over to DA and merely tell the rank and file, if the person does this or that, then it means he has DA himself, it keeps the elders hand clean by not having any judical meeeting and no corrospondances with the society in terms of looking for directions and instructions on how to handle a case

    they are also as has been mentioned in the process of REDEFINIG the FDS, once they work out the final kinks they will move forward with it

    as has been pointed out the wt has a long track record of making baby steps changes so when they drop the ball on the rank and file they will be able to say 15YRS ago JAH saw the need to put into place



    then for all the rank and file they will make that statement that jw have been making for years

    "Man I missed that POINT" when it was being discussed at the District or in that DEEEEP WT lesson that eveyone was sleep on

    and that has been the tried and tested way of dropping new dogma it members

    as has been pointed out and i was told they are looking at 3 scriptual basis

    1, moses and joshua

    2. elijah and elijah

    paul and timothy

    the point will be that historically and bibically THE PASSING OF THE MANTLE IS NOT NEW

    so for the avg non-critical thinking jw they will merely shake thier heads in agreement

    they will also become more kinder to non-jw

    case in point, if you look back thru the literature i can't find it, but it stated that in the end the message would congel and become HARD HITTING well in fact the message has become Puff Ball

    do you all recall how the wt used to refer to NON_JW as WORLDLY FOLKS -

    they rarely used that term instead they used more politically correct terms such as NONJW, persons not members of the congo, etc

    but that good old HETHEN WORLDLY person, they rarely used today

    like the issue with the UN

    we dont' see COVER PAGES of the wt showing the Captol of DC, The parliment building of Britain and the UN danggling from the mouth of Satan-

    those graphic images that SCARED THE HELL OUT OF US ARE GONE


    some folks can still recall nightmares as a kid as you parents reassured you THAT WOULD BE YOUR FATE for not attending meeting and studying your lession and going out in service

    yes scared the hell out of us- smile

    so how all of this will play out in the very end when it runs on the presses no one can tell, but we can rest assured that CHANGE IS A COMING

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    The last seven posts pretty much covers what everything is leading up to. I've already been asked to keep my so, I guess I shall let it go for now.

    Been watching many and we note: Mind control works in mysterious ways.............

  • Nosferatu
    "Man I missed that POINT" when it was being discussed at the District or in that DEEEEP WT lesson that eveyone was sleep on and that has been the tried and tested way of dropping new dogma it members

    This is very true. It convinces people that their memory has failed at that certain point in time, and they should REALLY make a note of it now so they won't forget it. The reason this is so effective is that when everyone at the convention hears "remember the Watchtower article that said..." none of them will discuss their stupidity for not remembering the article. However, some of them may think "Oh yeah! I remember reading something like that!"

  • logansrun


    Very cool and not surprising. You should be annointed, LOL.


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    yes they have, Armageddon will know begin with the next siting of that guy who goes ho! ho! ho!

    Santa Claus will be the beginning of the end !

  • Valis

    I don't know if someone already posted this or not...

    The Pinata

    An Ancient Tradition

    By Awake! Writer in Mexico

    The pinata today (p.23)

    ???the pinata became part of the festivities of the posados* during the Christmas season and continues as such to this day. (A star shaped pinata is used to represent the star that guided the astrologers to Bethlehem.) Breaking the pinata is also considered indispensable at birthday parties.


    When considering whether to include a pinata at a social gathering, Christians should be sensitive to the conscience of others. (1Cor 10:31-33)

    A main concern is, not what it meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area . Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues.


    District Overbeer

  • Loris

    If they tie in Gen 6:3 with 1914 they can buy themselves another 30 years. If Noah's Generation stretched 120 years the modern day Generation should not think they should be any different. Didn't Jesus say that when it all goes down it would be like Noah's day? I just see it now DON'T LOOK AT THE LIGHT CAROL ANN!!!


  • logansrun

    The JWs are slow learners, but they do learn some things eventually. I would be utterly shocked if they applied the reasoning you state, Loris. They are going to get further and further away from "time prophecies" and will point more and more to "how bad things are" and how that must be part of the "sign." It's much easier to impress people with emotional "woe is us" arguments than complicated chronological arguments. They've learned that lesson ala 1914, 1925, 1975, this generation et cetera...


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