My Brother Died Today

by Blueblades 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Sorry to hear about your brother Blueblades. Be grateful that you have had a brother for so many years. I missed out on that pleasure as my parents were ardent followers of Rutherford and I am sure I am a result of a broken condom.

    Remember the good times you had together, he will always be with you in your heart.

  • Gozz

    Sorry to hear about your brother, Blueblades.

    You're in the thoughts of all those who do care.

  • Been there
    Been there

    My sympathy to you and your family.

    Your brother is in your heart, your mind and memories now. He has not left you.

  • shera


  • Latte


    So sorry for your loss, my thoughts are with you.

  • Kenneson

    Sorry to hear about your loss. I offer my sympathy.

  • invictus

    Sorry for the loss of your brother.

    take care.


  • caspian

    Very Very Sorry to hear of your loss.

    You are my thoughts


  • freein89


    I am so very sorry. I have lost a brother too, I know how painful it is. The whole first year after losing a loved one is very tough, culminating in the first anniversary-which is also tough. I very much believe that there is something after and that it is something good. I can't say I know what it is, but I believe it is there. It has been four years since I lost Perry and I think of him often and I tell him how much I loved and still do love him and I think he knows.

    Talk to your brother and tell him everything you need to say. He will know. Send your love to him and I send mine to you


  • franklin J
    franklin J


    My condolences are with you. I am sorry for your loss

    Sincerely, Frank

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