bleaching your teeth??

by morty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    Now that I have quit smoken for a week...I went out to find a whiter smile without going to the dentist and paying the big $$$$$...There is a whole lot of "clinically proven" products out there...Which one do you suggest? Have you tryed any? Where there any that where a waste of $$$$$?


  • drwtsn32

    I've tried Crest Whitestrips. They seem to work pretty well. The only annoyance is that they leave this slimy residue on your teeth. lol

  • Mac

    I've found that a good quality high gloss exterior latex works quite well.........see.....


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    LOL! Even before they started marketing OTC (over-the-counter) teeth whiteners for lotsabucks, I had discovered that cotton balls soaked with peroxide and tucked between gums and cheeks/lips to cover teeth for up to 10 mins. once or twice a week does an excellent job of whitening....and costs pennies.

    Frannie B

  • Mac


    That's a little secret they don't want anyone to know!!!


    (Next yer gonna be telling us about the 1,000 uses of apple cider vinegar.....right?)

  • flower

    I had mine done by a dentist back in the summer and I thought it was worth the 200 bucks (happy birthday to me!). The price of the 1 hour bleaching procedure that dentists do has gone down dramatically in the past few years. THeres dentists in our area that do it for 175 now. When it first came out it was $600 dollars.

    I say save up for a couple months and then go for it. Its only an hour and theres no mess and no hassle. Then get yourself one of those electric toothbrushes so they stay dazzling white :)

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    (Next yer gonna be telling us about the 1,000 uses of apple cider vinegar.....right?)

    LOL, Mac! No.....but I can sure tell ya how to get rid of wrinkles with Preparation H !

    Frannie B

  • rocketman

    Mac, that was hilarious!

  • Sassy

    I've used the night effects by Crest. It works but usually I can't sleep all night with it on. I can feel it as I sleep and it disturbs my sleep some. Usually I'll try to just hold out an hour or two and then get up and brush my teeth so I can sleep deeper.

  • Mac

    Don't laugh...I'm sensitive!!!

    Frannie....I told a friend about the use of Prep-H for eliminating wrinkles and puffiness and she thought I was pulling her leg. I read that it's an old standby for hollywood makeup artists..

    mac, of the god forbid I shall ever have to immerse my head in a vat of butt cream class!!!

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