JW's Don't Really Believe Satan is Real ...

by TTATTelder 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    TTATTelder;. Elders are supposed to be informed , Know the details of the flock. How can you do that without being here, reading what the sheep read here? 

    be transformed, like the angel of light. new light. 

  • smiddy

    "JW`s  Don`t Really Believe Satan Is Real"

    Tell that to all the frustrated sisters that insist Satan or his Demons are having or trying to have  sex with them .


    Note : Why is it that brothers don`t seem to have this problem .

  • prologos

    smiddy, all the demons are males., the bible says so.*-- Brothers do not want to come out of the closet, admit that a male crept creepily into their bed at night.

    * it also has the talking snake, sin-you can not win.-- 

    edited to combine two threads. (interesting sites/ APOD) by Nicolaou.

    Whenever you look at an object more than 6000 light years away, it is s

    Satan-free. Now even the moon is Satan-free. wt writers, do you believe this?  

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