Multiple boards/Multiple personalities?

by JH 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    cruzanheart is the same yesterday, today, and always.


  • shera

    I am who I am,I post what is appropriate to the board.

  • czarofmischief

    Only board I'm on.

    I spend enough time on here as it is. I can't imagine adding another.


  • Dan76

    Before I registered here, I have had a long-standing screen name I have used on many a board before this one. I have no clue why I went to my first name on this one... I think I may just re-register here under the ol standby.

  • Ratboy

    Ahhh, much better.

  • acsot
    I post on a couple of writers's forums and occasionally on a couple of Canadian chat forums

    Which ones are those Lee? I barely have time to post on this board, let alone any others!

  • rocketman

    I'm too stupid to pull off multi-personas.

  • stephen

    I'm not sure I have arrived at the point where I know who I am (or we ams - plural ?) (perhaps I'd better hurry)

    and now that I've been cured of Schizophrenia - who am I now that I need me?



  • core

    For some I think this is all about....."lights,..cameras,...action" - give some people a box and they turn it into a soapbox, get out a camera and they smile - are these the people who rushed to volunteer when a speaker was missing, filled in at the TMS at short notice, worked with the CO door to door?

  • foreword

    I joined this board earlier this year and I do not visit other boards. A few years back I'd visit H2O, but can't even remember what my handle was there. To me this is pretty much the ex-jw site, and I basically lurk here just to see which stupidities the watchtower will perform next. Like the way they handled the Vicky case, now that burned me up pretty bad.

    After many heated debates on the current war in Iraq, to which I was seriously opposed, I had thought of registering under a different persona, simply cause I realized people saw me differently than what I really am. I could've played the game but I chose not to, what I said is what I believe. At the time I could see, and couldn't believe the US government was going to put us in a position where we were going to be hated by the rest of the world and I was fighting seriously for that to not happen. But then again who am I? In a way I wish I would've kept my mouth shut, I would have less enemies that way. But I'm not that good of an ass kisser.

    BTW, I am not anti american, I'm anti capitalist. There's quite a difference. Just as I see the watchtower as ruthless hypocrit capitalists in regards to the Vicky case, so I saw the top US officials taking advantage of a situation to line their pockets.

    So my suggestion to those who lurk and might wish to register, be fluffy, very fluffy in your comments, otherwise you might end up looking for another board or persona.

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