Our Heroes--past and present

by Vita Nuova 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I'd have to say the scarecrow on the 'wizard of oz'.

    Any guy who wouldn't have taken advantage of dorthy who was really woosy when the wicked witch of the west made her sleepy in the field of poppies.........has to be a strong man.


  • DanTheMan

    Ray Franz

    Stevie Ray Vaughan

  • DakotaRed

    I have over 58,000 heroes whose names are etched on a black wall in Washington D.C.

  • Mulan

    Princess..............she is just the best!! I constantly learn from her. A great thing when it's your daughter.

    My late mother in law was an inspiration to me too. She showed me how to be a mother, a grandmother, a good mother in law, and a friend. She was just the BEST mother in law ever!! There were many times when she would drop everything, to come help me when I needed help, was sick or just needed a break. She would pick up one or more of the kids and take them to the Mall, out to lunch and buy a toy, when I was overwhelmed with little ones. I remember so well calling my own mother to help me when I was sick, and my mother, afraid of catching what I had, called my mother in law to see if she would come. She was there in a heartbeat. I will never forget that about her. I try to remember to be like her whenever I can. I miss her.

  • reboot

    I'm obsessed with reading accounts of exploration , courage and selfless sacrifice. so my list would be...

    Amelia Earhart, trailblazer.

    Jane Addams-described asthe 'only American saint ' ' America's most useful citizan' and the ' worlds greatest woman ' for her work for others and for promoting peace by example.

    Margaret Sanger-contraception campaigner,visionary,uncompromising, unopologetic.

    Emmiline Pankhurst.' We women have a great mission- the greatest mission the world has ever known.It is to free half the human race, and through that freedom to save the rest.'E.P. 1912

    and last but only for emphisis;

    My mother- for standing between me and my father and taking blows meant for me.

  • ScoobySnax

    Hmm thats a tough one! But in no particular order....

    Princess Diana.........met her once, and once you'd looked into them blue eyes......etc etc

    My Grandad...... The only person in my family who took the time to phone me to tell me how proud he was of me when I started me medical career training, and who has since passed away

    My Mum.....For always getting me to ask "Why" and not be put off when it got on everyone else's nerves, and for being the worlds No.1 woman

    Dad....Everything was always gonna be alright when he was around

    My sister and brother...... what more could you want in siblings

    My friends...... because they truly are friends.

    All fluffy, but all true.

  • logansrun

    Baruch de Spinoza

    Friedrich Nietzsche

    Martin Gardner

    Charles Darwin

    Joseph Campbell

    Albert Ellis

    So many more.....

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