Our Heroes--past and present

by Vita Nuova 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • smack

    Patrick Thomas Furlong.

    He led by example, and defended his staff totally untill he had all the facts. Then he still defended them. Taught me how to be a good boss. I hope I can pass on this mans leadership skills


  • SM62

    There are lots of people I admire - usually the sort that stuck their neck out for others, or those who had a hard life but didn't go around moaning or complaining. Also a few others who I just love for their works or spirit. Some I just like because I admire them for who they were. Ones that spring to mind

    Sir Ernest Shackleton

    Roger Casement

    Oscar Wilde

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Wilfred Owen

    Michael Bentine

    My Mum and Dad

    Sorry they're all men (apart from my Mum!)


  • morty

    My dad and mom for believing me about the borg.....and leaving,with their head held high!

    My husband for showing what real love is.....

    And my kids.........for expressing how much of a good job I do........................


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yvon Provencher. A young man who lost his sight at six months old, and was almost killed by his mother because she was a drug user and couldn't handle having a child who was blind. He went through a series of foster homes and a lot of abuse.

    I met him in college. He was the first "worldly" person I got close to. He was a source of information and strength for me when I really needed it. He was the one to tell me that "Not making a decision to leave IS a decision to stay". He helped me make the decision to leave my abuser and the borg.

    He held my hand when I was scared and alone. He was there for me when I thought I lost everything and wanted to die. He loved me for who I was and not what I could do for him. He taught me to laugh again. And to love.

    He truly was the "wind beneath my wings" when I had no air left within me.

    Although we have gone our separate ways, he will always be in my heart and most definitely my hero.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I had to come back and add something

    Over the years I have worked with many survivors of abuse. All kinds of abuse. A few stay stuck, unwilling to take the risks needed to move forward and to stop being a victim.

    But by far, most have looked the hell they came from in the face. They have opened the door to the past and taken it out, rolled it over in their minds and relived it. They have wept and wailed and cried out their rage at what was done. Most have found inventful, creative ways to deal with their hurts and losses. And they close the door on the past and move forward.

    Every now and then the door opens a crack and the past knocks them over but they get up, examine what came out and put it away; learning something new about themselves and who they have become.

    I have considered it an honor and privilege to share in their journey. The trust they gave me was immense and an incredible risk for them. They were willing to take that risk to move toward health and away from abuse.

    The courage that abuse survivors have awes me. Knowing as I do the road they must travels and what lies behind their doors I can do nothing less than call them heros of their own lives

  • Aztec

    Aside from Expat?

    Past heroes include people like Jane Austin, Shel Silverstein, Matt Groening, Jello Biafra, Nefertiti, Malcolm X and Dr. Suess.

    Current heroes are people who aren't afraid to speak out about things that are wrong in the world. That includes most everyone here.


  • Nosferatu

    Gotta be Gene Simmons. It's not because of his musical ability, or his long tongue, but his whole attitude on life is incredibly positive. He is definately a person I could learn a lot from.

    As for musical abilities, Buck Dharma and Robert Plant (when he was young)

  • ChimChim

    My mom I used to think my dad was my hero but uhh now that i know more about this religion I'm just sarcastic and mouthy with him!

  • shera

    Just dont be too mouthy darling....

  • invictus

    My dad, pilot and airforce colonel, who taught me to be "Invictus" and my hubby who is my rock now.

    after them - Antoine de Saint Exupery, Seagull Jonathan Livingstone, my great uncle Alexander,Major Momishuli -character from novel "Road to Volokolam", Victor Hugo , Maria Curie , Leonidas , Ivo Andric - Nobel prize winner from Yugoslavia...


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