What would Jesus teach us today?

by petespal2002 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mizpah

    Human nature hasn't changed all that much in 2000 years. Jesus would have the same message today as then. It is just the cast of characters that have changed. And guess who would be the new "scribes and Pharisees?"

  • pettygrudger

    The same thing he taught us then, its so simple, its eternal.

  • RubaDub

    I think Jesus would focus on the simpler things in life:

    Always wear seatbelts, get plenty of sleep on school nights, don't run with scissors in your hand, etc.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • iiz2cool

    "Woe to you elders and ministerial servants! Hypocrites!"...

  • ClassAvenger

    He would teach us to love and trust God with all our mind and heart.

  • bebu

    I think Jesus' messages could be boiled down to 1) follow his pattern of loving (including forgiveness and praying for enemies) and 2) to trust that somehow (and I mean by this, we don't need to become theologians or have a developed theology) Jesus himself will save those whose inner desire is for goodness and righteousness. So, I think that God is determined to unite us with himself, and will do this, unless we ourselves prevent him. And love is the mysterious ingredient in life that holds the key to our union with God.

    A comment for James T:

    JN 17:20 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one , Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

    The unity that Jesus had with God is unique, and one that he desires us to have. Only in Christ can we completely lay aside grievances and issues with each other, and be joined thru time and space: male/female/jew/greek/slave/free/etc.

    All people can grasp the basic concept of unity, and have hopefully experienced it to a degree, even profoundly. I think "believers" (and by this I will include anyone, whether they have heard of Christ or not, whose hearts yearn for what is true, right, and good) are rather like the betrothed of the OT who, though have not consummated their marriage, are yet often reckoned as if they had. Likewise, followers of Jesus are given a measure of unity here now if we are connected to HIM; complete unity will follow.

    I personally think that complete UNITY/LOVE/PEACE with God is ultimately what God is aiming for with everyone, and therefore "dying" is the opposite of unity with God. Two people are made one in marriage--and at the end of the whole Bible, there is a very biiiiig wedding... What is being revealed there staggers me.



  • archangel01
    We need to look deeply and see clearly, we need to experience that we are first and foremost the Truth, the God, the Christ, that we seek.

    Quick Question, if you are saying mankind can be a God or Christ for that matter...That's False. That's the lie Satan told Eve. Mankind will never be God or a God etc. Jesus warned us about that in scripture not to be decieved by False Teachers/Christs or Christ like classes aka WTS.

  • greven

    He would kick the GB ass like he did with the pharisees.


  • Navigator

    I'm with James Thomas on this one. Jesus the man is a historical figure and will never return, but the Christ that he became is already here. I suggest that you check out "A Course In Miracles" if you want the specifics of what he would teach. Start with the Manual for Teachers.

  • JamesThomas

    archangel01 wrote:

    Quick Question, if you are saying mankind can be a God or Christ for that matter...That's False. That's the lie Satan told Eve. Mankind will never be God or a God etc. Jesus warned us about that in scripture not to be decieved by False Teachers/Christs or Christ like classes aka WTS.
    I understand how you believe the way you do, millions do. I did too, once. The difference in our view is this: From here God (our Source) is seen as always more and never less. Infinite. From here the Source, is not seen as a thing, a piece or fragment within the universe, separate and apart from all else. Rather, the universe, all phenomena, is seen as a speck, or movement within God. From here there is not God, and. I am in no way saying there is a "Christ-like class" that should be followed. I am simply pointing to the center of your own Being. Everything you need, you already have. God has not abandoned us. We are free to believe in a god separate and far away. We are free to shrink our gods to any size we want. I imagine somewhere, someone, is worshipping a rock in a shoe. However, for some, there comes a time when it is clearly understood that any limits or boundaries of the Source (that which many refer to as God) are simply creations of the carnal mind. They are illusions. If any are somehow insulted by hearing of a limitless God (One available to us now, within, if we have but eyes to see) because of some words that others have told you, then perhaps it is wise to question such scriptures and teachings. I mean why so readily accept beliefs that disparage and belittle God? Go within your heart and ask " is God less? or is God infinitely more? What does the word "God" point to, really?" Discover for yourself, before you deem what I have said as "false". I am not asking you to believe anything, just look and see. And keep looking deeper and deeper. Trust, and let go of all limits (ideas, concepts, beliefs) on God, and see. Allow the Source/God to reveal Itself, rather than some old book. Stop reading the menu, and eat the Food. j

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