Any suggestions

by Xena73 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Hi Xena and welcome! You were never 'fellowshipped' in the first place so you can't be dis-fellowshipped. Lucky you! Just drift away, they have no authority over you.

    If you have a grievance and like Anna Marina have a stack of intellectual weapons to fight with, then you might want to show them where they are wrong or why you can't continue but remember, brick walls are more responsive to reason than a fully committed JW is.

  • Xena73

    Thank you all. I will definitely take all your advice into serious consideration. My sister and I were molested, me by a close friend of my brother and her by an elder. I have a SMI brother that wrote a letter due to being seriously stumbled but the rules must have changed because disfellowshipped or dissociated use to mean two different things. My sister was baptized very young when she got baptized. She always used the big light powder blue aid to Bible understanding book. I stopped going to meetings around 11 ish so a lot of changes. It's nothing like it was , born in 73 and living through Yankee stadium and Shea stadium for a week was so hard as a kid. Any one you recommend to read or watch? So far John cedars has been good. I will think on all your advice but I am home bound so I only call to get meetings.

  • Giordano

    I am sorry you were molested.

    Research the ARC....... the Australian Royal Commission and their findings about child sexual abuse within the JW religion.

    This is not a good or honest religion. Walk away....... you can do better.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Thank you for the compliment Half banana. Always happy to share my stack. Xena73, when the video is up, if it is helpful to you you can just send any pesky elders the link and tell them to go sort it. Then they'll have an interesting battle with Jehovah.

    Sit back, put your little feet up, get comfy and eat your pop corn.

  • cyberjesus

    you are in a great spot if you never baptized. change congregations.. then stop going little by little. and thats that. i'm assuming you have family still in. you don't need to say anything... anything you say will be used against you. take your time

  • Incognito

    Whether someone is disfellowshipped or they disassociate, the announcement is identical: 'Incognito is no longer a Jehovah's Witness' or similar.

    If you successfully stopped attending at 11 yo, why are you now calling in to meetings at 47 yo?

  • smiddy3

    I think you have sprung a troll incognito , good catch my friend .

  • Xena73

    Because I started studying again much later and became an unbaptized publisher.I was waiting for baptism but it didn't happen then the congregation was ended and people were all split up. I can only attend by phone. I haven't gone since I began to wake up. A few months ago

  • Xena73

    Thank you all again. I can't believe how bad it truly is. I looked up Raymond Franz and it's crazy what they do. They are not the only channel to Christ!

  • JimmyYoung

    Its a battle of words. Marking and DFing are really the same thing

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