I Hate a Theif..!!

by CC Ryder 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    (((((Tink))))) (((((CC)))))


  • xjw_b12

    CC and Tink. Sorry to hear about this.

    I also worked in the "electronic security" field for a number of years. Unfortunately most of our buisness, came from customers, residential and commercial, after they had been burglarized. I found it very upsetting to work in a residence, and to see the damage that occured, and the despir of residents who had lost heirlooms.

    Do not delay in getting a "burglar alarm" I installed a system in our home that utilizes a good deal of "passive" sensors. Magnetic switches on all exterior doors, basement windows. Motion detectors are setup, so they are not "on " while we are home. Switches on windows can be installed such that the window can be opened to a preset position, then the alarm "armed". This allows you to have the window open, for ventilation, however if the window is opend further, it will trigger the alarm. Peace of mind while you home and when you're not. I have both internal and external sirens, as well as a connection to the monitoring station. The advantage of being monitored, is it's just not burglary you can be monitored for. Panic situations, fire, water leakage, temperature etc.

    Also most insurance companies offer discounts on your home insurance, especially if the system is monitired.

    As for being contacted, by alarm companies. It was my responsibility to go to the police station, every morning and retreive the list of break and enters, so the office could contact them. I felt it was kind of seedy myself, but it's the way it was done.

    So I encourage you to do the alarm system. But deal with a reputable company, that has been established for a minimum of 5 years.

    And don't wait too long. Mindchild was very correct, in saying they do come back, after the insurance company has replaced what was stolen the first time.

  • Valis

    If you can't afford an expensive one, site like this might offer an affordable solution.


    District Overbeer


    District Overbeer

  • ApagaLaLuz

    How terrible! Monitary things are one thing, it's another when they take irreplacable heirlooms.

    Boo! I wish I could kick them in the balls for you guys. You certainly dont deserve anything like that.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    XJW_B12 Thanks for the advice!..I am definately going to get some kind of alarm system and will probably go with one that monitors as well.

    I hope I didn't offend you when I used the phrase "ambulance chaser" when refering to the ADT salesman. If the guy wasn't so cocky I might have bought something from him.

    Valis, Thanks for the link to the security site...I've been checking it out..Tink and I appreciate your concern.

    Thanks again for everyone's replies...y'all are great!!

    CC and Tink

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