How do you feel about privacy?

by iiz2cool 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool

    Ever wonder why you are asked for information when you make a purchase? I've been asked for all kinds of things, like my name, phone number, postal code, etc. Once I made a cash purchase at Radio Shack. After taking my money, and before giving me my change, the guy at the cash wanted my name and postal code. I'm not in the habit of giving these out, so I refused. He then insisted that I must allow him to photocopy my driver's license. Naturally, I refused, and this led to a rather lengthly debate. He refused to give me my product, my receipt, or my money back until I produced my drivers license! Remember, this was a CASH purchase, and last I heard I was not legally required to provide personal information to every asshole that asks for it. The line of customers was growing behind me, the other person behind the cash took off somewhere, and I grew more impatient. I informed him that if I didn't get what was mine NOW I was coming behind the counter to take it. I guess at this point the store manager got wind of what was going on and came out and corrected the situation, although I was given no apology.

    This idiot was an extreme example, but I've had many retailers insist they needed some of this information. For their databases. Sure, it's unavoidable to some extent, but to the degree I can control it I limit the personal info I give out. I don't want corporations to be able to query their databases and find out what size clothes I wear, how much tofu I eat, or how many condoms I use every month. (not enough)

    I want my privacy!

    If you're concerned about privacy issues, I'd recommend the book "Database Nation" by Simson Garfinkel.

    As much as I hate Amazon (that's another rant) I'll provide a link here.

    And another:


  • JH

    I don't sleep in hotels often,but when I went to Toronto, I wanted to pay for my hotel room in cash, and they insisted on seeing my credit card. I said I'm paying cash, why do you want my credit card? I didn't want to pay twice...

    Stupid laws. If I wouldn't have brought any credit card, they wouldn't have let me have a room. Jesus, I had over 1000$ cash on me and without a credit card I would have slept on the sidewalk....

  • xjw_b12

    Radio Shack is notorious for that.

    They are also notorious for hiring 15 yr old geeks, with topagraphical maps for faces as "Assistant Managers" who know everthing about absolutely nothing. I know they use the address for their mailouts, and I suspect they rent/sell them too.

    But your driver's licence. KMA

    "OK you little dweeb behind the counter. It's Mr Modern Shopper, 123 Main St., 905-555-1234.

    Canadian Tire used to do that all the time as well, by requesting your phone number, under the guise of being able to call you if you left your credit card at the store, you know the one you just finished putting back in your wallet. Then Lo and Behold. Everyone is getting a call from ....... the Canadian Tire Auto Club. Coincidence. I think not. And I noticed they don't do it anymore.

  • integ

    I don't like it.

  • SixofNine

    lol, EVERYBODY hates the way Radio Shack does that. It doesn't bother in terms of privacy really, it's just sooooo damn irritating.

    BTW, I know two otherwise intelligent women who have fallen for the scam of giving away information to a fake aol or ebay website. The woman who gave the fake ebay info, actually gave away her SS number. Meaning that her id is officially stolen, and thieves can get credit in her name, and destroy her credit.

    Folks, if EBAY or AOL or Citibank or any big company already has you as a customer, why on earth would they need to get your information again? Do you really think their dog ate it?

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    How do you feel about privacy?

    None of your business

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    the guy at the cash wanted my name and postal code.


    I love buying stuff @ Radio Shack just so I can get the chance to give them a zip code from a state 500 miles away.

  • iiz2cool

    I guess I could always give out this address.

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
    25 Columbia Heights


  • heathen

    I think they just like to send you cataloques and junk mail . It could even be used to find people who write bad checks . I agree it is anoying that they make such a fuss about it . I was told that once when I was trying to buy some porn they said they couldn't sell me a movie unless I gave them a home address . Now who the hell wants to give their private info in those situations? lol so I just left without it .

  • rocketman

    Ah, the WTS place like "home" huh?

    As far as Radio Shack goes, there was a standup comic who talked about going to a place that "I can't say the name, but it rhymes with Radio Snack" and mentioned that the clerk wanted all kinds of info. He said "look, I'm just buying batteries, I don't expect a long-term relationship". Too bad I forget the name of the comic.

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