Dear friends, please be careful!

by onacruse 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • caligirl

    craig, very good advice, as usual. Good to be careful, but no need to be paranoid. Good things can happen too!

    As has been said, it works great if both parties are honest. Freedom96 and I met online as well. We shared lots of emails, and also did the endless hours on the phone thing before we met in person. Neither of us was looking for a relationship, so we didn't feel the need to present ourselves as anything different than who we were. So we have now been married 2.5 years and have a beautiful baby. Well worth the long distance romance, ( I relocated) and without the internet, we would never have met.

  • minimus

    Craig, Are you telling us this because of something going on behind the scenes???

  • ozziepost

    I imagine that's where it'd stay!

  • minimus

    Ozzie, I'm telling EVERYONE your real name and what your address is.......Signed Sal Lami from Brooklyn, New York, Pepi Roni's brother.

  • Sassy

    There is good advice in this thread. It never hurts to be careful and set up levels of trust when you first meet someone on the net as far as giving personal information. I've had good experiences as well as bad. People are not always who they say they are. Thankfully for those who are, it can be worth giving some the chance. Some of the most important people in my life, I originally met on the net. But I have learned to be weary and careful before sharing too much private information first.

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