average joe:
I live here in Florida where it is warm, but my wife Nevada had to move where the climate was much cooler and with cleaner air per her Doctors instructions. Nevada lives in Alaska. It is better to be apart and be in good health, than to be together and be in a hospital bed. If Nevada had stayed here in Florida in this heat, she would be in a hospital bed with tubes hanging out of her.
Nevada and I pioneered with Petra's parents, but Petra's mother passed away from breast cancer when Petra was just a baby. So Nevada took over being her new mom and we started being her new parents. Petra's dad is a mechanic and has to travel quite a bit, so it would have been very difficult for him to travel carrying a baby under his arm. Petra's dad posts here once in a while. He posts under the name (Vulcan).
The Archive is a personal archive which belongs to wifibandit and from time to time I send him materials to store in his archive.
The JGNATPROJECT is a project named after Janet who used to be a moderator on this board. The project consists of scanning every Bound Volume from 1950 to 2010. This way the Watchtower won't be able to hide what they published many years ago. They won't be able to just click a mouse and change something because we will all have a permanent record of their false prophecies. This project consists of scanning approximately 92,000 pages and it is long overdue.