Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is Dead

by cofty 23 Replies latest social current

  • minimus

    Trump should be PRAISED for getting this pos.... I applauded Obama too when he got Osama. I was especially happy because I kept getting mixed up between Obama and Osama.

  • Simon
    I kept getting mixed up between Obama and Osama

    Did you watch the series "The Newsroom"? There's part in it where the main anchor is high, and the news about Osama breaks, so he has to go on air. He has two pieces of paper on his desk with "Obama = good" and "Osama = bad" written on them as a reminder

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's a great "win" for Trump.

    To all the hoopla that he broke precedent by not informing the Dems -- it's nothing like the lack of precedence in the "impeachment" hearings. I think many Americans see this as the ultimate example of "playing politics" and so many of them are not smart enough to realize that that is what got Trump elected -- People are tired of the politics! Clearly Trump is NO politician.

  • cofty

    This thread is not about American politics.

  • RubaDub

    Praise for Trump for getting al-Baghdadi or for Obama getting Osama bin-Laden is pure window dressing. I don't think either (especially Trump if a hotel was not involved) could put a pin on a map of the Middle East as to where most of the countries are such as Kuwait, Yemen, UAE, etc. Even most members of the Cabinet really have no clue on the details.

    Presidents rely on the information they receive from the heads of the respective agencies, CIA, NSA, Armed Forces, etc. When they think they have a high percentage opportunity to take out one of the main targets they inform the President.

    The President says, "OK"

    If successful, the President boasts and preens about how he directed the operation.

    These intelligence operations take many years. In the al-Baghdadi case, it's being reported that he has been followed by US Intelligence since 2015. In the Osama bin Laden case, it also was many years, even pre-dating Obama back to the George W Bush years.

    I personally never read too much into who is President at the time that Intelligence says they have positively identified a target and have a plan for his removal.

    Rub a Dub

  • redvip2000
    Well done to the American commander-in-Chief who will probably Tweet about his success for a long time to come.

    No doubt he will, though his involvement was nothing more than nodding as his advisors told him they were planning an operation to capture that animal.

  • DesirousOfChange

    This thread is not about American politics.


    And everyone from those at the "helm of the ship" to the actual men/women (Special Ops) on the ground with the guns were from WHERE?

    With the kind of "politics" there was during the Carter administration, they proved this kind of covert operation would fail. Can you say "444 days of Hostages in Iran"? These hostages were released the exact minute that Ronald Reagan completed his inaugural address and ushered in a different kind of "politics". The running joke of the day was: "What is flat as a pancake but glows in the dark? Iran when Reagan is elected!"

  • cofty

    DOC - Read the OP (amazing how few contributors ever bother to do that)

    I congratulated the American SF and the CIC.

    As always the thread was in danger of degenerating into the usual boring Trump v anti-Trump - but you already knew that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Well done to the American commander-in-Chief who will probably Tweet about his success for a long time to come.

    Cofty, I did read the OP. Do you mean that little "jab" didn't make it a little "political" from the get-go?

    And I agree that the Trump vs anti-Trump thing is out of control. Be thankful you're 3500 miles from it as it's even more "full time" and "prime time" here. Nothing else matters. We have no budget. No immigration reform. No healthcare reform (you DO NOT want to know what I pay for med ins), etc.The overpaid/underperforming politicians we have here would let the Republic burn to the ground rather than cooperate with the other Party and let them have any credit for success in helping the citizens. And of course, EVERYTHING comes to halt when it's time for re-election.

    But it sounds a lot like what you blokes are going through with Brexit and even immigration (too late for) reform.

  • redvip2000
    No immigration reform.

    Where is the wall anyway? Possibly the biggest promise of the Trumpistan regime, remains undelivered, though to be fair it was dead on arrival.

    Even as the Left spirals out of control, the fact that Trumphft was not able to deliver the "wall of shame", could well cost him the relection.

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