hidden messages in the bible

by invictus 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rem
    . but what makes it unique with the bible is that those messages are not random but rather integrated and in harmony with each other

    Where is the evidence of uniqueness in this regard?


  • invictus

    to find that you ,would have to read this booklet; method that is being used to determine one system of messaging is called ELS or equdistant letter sequence or skipping of equal intervals of letters.by this method the entire 304,805 letters of Torah were written in 10 x 10 grids which is a common practice in cryptanalysis to facilitate the identification of skipped-letter sequences.

    by this method the word Torah is repeatedly found in precise 49 letter sequences , tetragramaton in 7 letter sequences almost like a hidden signature.The probability of this being a coincidencehas been estimated at about one in three million. this method is not a new , it is been used in 13 century. Rabbi Moses Cordevaro said :"The secrets of the Torah are revealed in the skipping of the letters."

    please remember that I am only just reading this and yes I find it fascinating, the same as I find sunset,changes of season and others marvels of nature fascinating. I did not wrote the book so i am not going to defend every single tought. Is this book going to give me all the ultimate answers? - no. Is this information presented to change your mind? - i would not even dream about it.

    it is simple one sign on my spiritual path that I wanted to share

  • ClassAvenger

    Lol, all this stuff is as dumb as trying to find Bible codes with computers in the original Hebrew scriptures which reveal future events. What was that show called? I don't remember if I saw it in the History Channel or in the Discovery. I prefer to watch Mail Call anyways.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    How hidden? In full view.

    Once upon a time a person sought out the ancient writings to find a treasure that he had heard some about, a treasure that he desired ? but a treasure that people had conceived. And as he already had conception, he worked all the more for it, and studied the ancient writings incessantly. Besot with the whole idea, he listen to and for others, who spoke about the same type of treasure. They urged each other on and on and after a while, they believed that they deserved their treasure ? unlike the others who did not even care about their treasure.

    So they looked at the ancient writings, and not seeing, they made stories up, and they looked at the ancient writings and not, seeing they made stories up, and they looked at the ancient writings not seeing they made stories up! Whoah!

  • invictus

    i do have right to be fascinated not neceserilly believe in it.I try to keep an open mind.just because I was burnt by the whole jw experience and their interpretation of the bible, does not mean I am going to destroy opinion of ones who do believe. attitude like that would put me, in my mind,on the same level as jw - judgemental fundamentalist - only their thinking is right.

    anyway, still believe there is something more to it. as it was said before , truth has no owner. we can only search for it and just be careful that in the time it is given to us on this earth, we do not harm anybody else - and that is how I try to live.

    take care.


  • Makaveli

    You are right Inv.

    You have every right. I know that you are not betting your life on it; it seems that everybody has jumped down your throat with this thread. I think that people forget the way in which the Watchtower rammed it's message down our throats... but I think that the people here are just concerned about you falling into another trap.

    I know that you are not going to do that..and I bet others think that also. Its human nature to be cynical of such things.. our experience in the Watchtower has made us even more cynical. People are just concerned, and with this comes peoples strong opinions. You have every right to believe, so don't let others take that way from you.

  • mouthy

    Invictus !!! I have to warn you!!!lol. Many on here after leaving the Wt become disillusioned with the scriptures.So many will bate you down... I always think of the scripture that said "Woe to you Scribes & Pharisees ,Hypocrites!because you traverse sea & land to make one poeselyte & when he/she becomes one you make them a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves"So I realize your new to the board- & may get disillusioned with the remarks... I understand them completly-but I do believe scripture has some valuable information to abide by-I must say I dont always believe MANS interpretation ,You know menThey most times like to think they know it all .....( watch the stones fly now girl) I believe faith is a personal matter. So great to see you posting.... I am leaving Tuesday now So will e- you on my return.

  • foreword
    EL was a Canaanite High God, represented by a Bull... which is simply discarded as a pagan symbol nowadays. BETH - EL means House of El.

    So Bethel means "house of bull"....well, they got that right when they named that place.

  • invictus


    thank you for your kind words; i try to understand how people feel - they `ve been hurt and dissapointed and they have every right to be upset. if their very strong opinion is a result of their concern for new ones like me, then I am deeply grateful.

    I can assure you that I have no intention of joining any religion ever again I am just reading and informing myself because I still have that, if I can define it as -spiritual thirst.

    thank you again, it was very kind of you to reply in a manner you did.


    thank you my dear friend for your replay; I feel maybe it is better that this kind of information be discussed by E-mail with you and ones who feel the same. you are right,I don`t have any intention of following man made doctrines - hey ,that was the reason that I left jw cult in a first place.It was just that some material and information about Bible is really interesting and inviting to ponder about.

    love you very much and have a safe trip. enjoy your convention and I am looking forward to seeing you when you come back.take care


  • elamona

    I get a lot of Missler's stuff. Like it a lot; don't agree 100% but you'll never agree 100% with anyone. He is extremely intelligent, very well educated, and the Bible is his hobby and the love of his life since he has retired. He certainly gives a different perspective on a lot of scripture, especially inclined to the scientific side. Has his own small non-denominational church in Idaho but travels around the country giving biblical based lectures. Never believed in the rapture until I got his video and printed material. He explained everything in great detail constantly referencing the bible.Proved to me what I thought was never possible being an ex JW (who was raised a Catholic). Everything about the rapture became perfectly clear to me once I understood the customs and meaning of a Jewish betrothal and wedding. Always saw these particular bible passage references but never understood what they meant.

    I'm going thru his trinity stuff now and have come to believe that Jesus is indeed God and that the Holy Spirit is a part of Them. Maybe not THE traditional way of belief in the trinity but much more than I thought I'd ever admit to believing. All proven by biblical passages (in ANY translation).

    He is a big supporter and cheerleader for small non-denominational churches and small groups of just everyday people getting together and studying the bible, just like in the early days of the christian religion. Says large old denominations are too filled with traditions, legalism, etc. that turn people off to God and tend to accrue power (and wealth-my opinion) to themselves.

    Anyway, I like him a lot, but that's my taste.

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