The underlying cause of rape

by Loris 74 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Faraon
    As for screaming - My mother was once grabbed on the way home from work (1955) and dragged into an alley. The man put his hands around her throat. She said that it was such a shock that her legs went weak, and she could hardly even croak. It was only as he started groping that she realised her life was in danger and she said "leave me alone or I shall scream and not stop." When she started screaming (Mom had a loud voice) he ran away.

    Yes, but she was lucky. The man could have killed her to silence her. He had already commited a crime and there were no witnesses around. This is why no one has the right to tell a victim what to do.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    leave it to a man to think his ass is god.

    Oh waiting, you know we men think of another appendage as god!

  • MrMoe

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! *angry face*

  • jwbot

    The problem, is the witnesses feel that rape is a crime of sex...and as someone pointed out-it is of power. What goes through someones head when they rape-I do not want to know-but they want to feel power. Uggh I do not want to go there. Rape is so evil. EVIL EVIL EVIL. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

    Of course, the WTBS knows all to well about power...they do not want to equate rape with power, because they might see that they rape women in the religion every day in their own special way...

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    after leaving JWs and studying psychology for 13+ years, I do not see rape perhaps in the same way as you think...

    I see a rapist as a person who is alienated, feeling unable to get what others get through normal means-- a relationship where people have sex out of mutal love... it seems to me that a rapist has put his own desires and needs above anyone elses as if no one else really means anything or matters... others are just there for his usage, they are not seen as equals or fellow caring and feeling entities.

    St Augustine of Hippo circa 4th cent. CE said that women were the gates of hell and he hated them for his uncontrollable passions that he felt they inspired within him.... basically he felt pain at what he could not get and a desire to destroy the source of his pain. if you see someone as worthy of destruction, you also can justify anything that you do against them... this is mental illness and irrational thinking which has been fostered by many factors.

    The funny thing about clothing, I dont know of a single incident where a nudist female was ever raped because of what she was not wearing.... nudism does not inspire rape.... must be the wearing of clothes,

  • avengers
    The funny thing about clothing, I dont know of a single incident where a nudist female was ever raped because of what she was not wearing.... nudism does not inspire rape.... must be the wearing of clothes,

    I read your post with great interest; not just the quote above.
    I see that in your words you seem to be a sincere person.

    I see a rapist as a person who is alienated, feeling unable to get what others get through normal means-- a relationship where people have sex out of mutal love...

    I imagine you might have a valid argument here................................but,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I would like to add some of my comments here if I may. I do not have any degrees in psychology and I must admit I have not had any courses in psychology either. So please feel free to correct or instruct in any way that would be necesary.

    I don't have much knowledge about nudist beaches or nudism either. I have visited them on occasion here in the Netherlands, the last time I think maybe more than 10 years ago. This is fyi and not really relevant.

    What is relevant is that often pedophiles visit nudist resorts. As you said nudism is a family issue? Is that so? I am aware of the fact that people go to nudist resorts and take explicit pictures of children. This person puts this on the internet and the pedophiles can download these images. I don't know if you are aware of this?

    Therefore, and I have tried to address this issue earlier (which got 0) I ask myself if nudism does not instigate pedophily.

    I myself see a rapist as a predator and I see a pedophile also as a predator. If these unbalanced persons visit nudist beaches and are unable to get in a normal way as you say the things that are really normal, well. we have a problem.

    Just thought I'd let you know.

    Hope you can sleep tonight.


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    What is relevant is that often pedophiles visit nudist resorts. As you said nudism is a family issue? Is that so? I am aware of the fact that people go to nudist resorts and take explicit pictures of children. This person puts this on the internet and the pedophiles can download these images. I don't know if you are aware of this?

    This is not unknown and not without validity, there are pedophiles who come to nudist resorts, but that is not really much different from pedophiles who frequent every other aspect of life as JWs now well know... as far as taking pictures, that is done elsewhere as well... problems common in society are not much amplified in nudist resorts, often times they are lessened... at least here in the US, the nudist resorts are very cautious about pedophiles and I have met several nudist police officers who frequent resorts and keep their eyes open.

  • stillajwexelder

    This made me fu----g angry too -- thetrue cause of rape molestaion etc is weak men who need to feel in control -- beacsue they ar eso weak and need to feel in control they take it out on weaker(physically) women and children -- need to be in control -- who does thsi remind you of -- the WTBTS and they have the nerve to print this sort of crap

  • avengers
    This is not unknown and not without validity, there are pedophiles who come to nudist resorts, but that is not really much different from pedophiles who frequent every other aspect of life as JWs now well know... as far as taking pictures, that is done elsewhere as well...

    That's WT reasoning. Guess that makes it allright.

  • talesin


    The funny thing about clothing, I dont know of a single incident where a nudist female was ever raped because of what she was not wearing.... nudism does not inspire rape.... must be the wearing of clothes,

    if you have studied psychology for so many years, how can you say that anything a female does 'inspires' rape

    it's all about the rapist wanting 'power over', has nothing to do with sexual provocation

    (from a fellow 15-year student of psychology and former rape counsellor)


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