Reformers repeat mistake....

by mizpah 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ellderwho

    Great points,

    I love this catchy phase:

    Society's counter-reformation damage control.
  • mizpah


    I'm also appalled at the horrendous crimes that were committed by those who claimed to have "the truth." The book made a reference to the justification of torture and murder by the perpetrators by the citing of scriptural passages. Men who studied the Bible and should have known Christ's views on love and compassion thought nothing of putting a "heretik" to the stake and slowly buring him to death.

    Sadly, these crimes were done by both Protestant and Catholic believers. Recently, the Catholic church has made some attempt to apologize for these crimes of the past. I wonder if the Protestant churches have done the same? (Lutheran, Calvinists, Reformists, etc.)

  • OHappyDay

    Nor do I doubt for a minute that the Powers That Be among Witnesses would burn "heretics" and "apostates" at the stake if they could get away with it. Or stone them to death as the first century Jewish leadership did.

    As it is, the worst sort of spiritual and psychological damage is visited on dissenters, as "warnings" to others not to mess with the Governing Body. The GB has eaten its own children alive (Ray Franz and others come to mind), and has no regard for Average Joe Witness.

    In this organization it is impossible to tell the Emperor that he has no clothes on. The Emperor finds some weird delight in strutting around naked, having been exposed already by those more concerned with Truth than with hypocrisy.

    Poet Robert Burns' dictum that "The best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft a-gley," has happened big time with the Society. Poor Russell must be squirming in his grave, if he could.

  • AnnOMaly

    plmkrzy said

    " but, my comment was in gust...a joke."

    LOL! Then it was I who was missing something - the irony in your post!

  • mizpah


    I tend to agree with you. The Governing Body has already consented to "spiritual stoning" as a form of spiritual execution. (Disfellowshipping) If they had the authority, I do believe they would use it against the "apostates."

    I guess we should be grateful that these "inmates" are not in charge of the assylum.

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