am I trying to get myself disfellowshipped?

by acsot 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    Rubadub: If and when I tell you my name, you may understand that even a post office box somewhere else may not work, so DFing is what I want to be ready for. It's a very unusual name. Very unusual, Scully, SaintSatan and a few others can vouch for that!

    Czar, first of all, if I actually was that concerned about they (the WTS) thought, then I would not be buying lottery tickets, right ? Thanks for your concern, however, I know what you mean, I've been plagued by being a people pleaser all my life .

    And secondly, my mother's state of mind and feelings are more important than even the millions. (see some of my previous posts )

  • shotgun

    Sorry ascot did not know about your dub mother and your reasons for being worried about being caught greedy person you...BTW I have found the Sunday meeting is an excellent place to think of new numbers to play the following week.

  • Poztate

    My wife (STRONG DUB) had a panic attack over this very issue not long ago.I am in the habit of buying lotto 6/49 and super 7 tickets from time to time.I casually mentioned to my wife that if I ever won big the first thing the lotto corp wants to do is take pictures of the WHOLE FAMILY.She just about laid an egg on the spot worrying about it.Let me see....ONE CHANCE in 10 GAZILLION and she worries. LOL.

    My advice to you is if you do win big is first of all give some to me.After all good advice doesn't come cheap!!!

    OK...GOOD ADVICE...Find out who is going to be on the DFing committee and one at a time go to them and offer a BRIBE to let you off the hook.It shouldn't take more than $50.00 max each.$150.00 in total and you should be free to enjoy the rest.Be sure to secretly tape the bribing just in case some greedy little elder wants to come back for another quick $50.00 Then ENJOY!!!

  • Scully


    If you buy a lottery ticket and lose, it's called "gambling".

    When you buy a lottery ticket and win, it's called "investing". (BTW, a $30M payoff for a $2 investment is an excellent return on your money!)

    Remember that if the elders ever bug you about it. The only way they'll know is if you win, because as you say, your pic will go in the paper.

    Love, Scully

  • JH

    You won't win. trust me.

  • acsot

    JH: can't you whip up a winning lottery ticket for me like you tried to do for yourself awhile back??

  • JH

    Oh yes I can Acsot.

    You'll be the lucky winner of the next 6/49 lottery next Saturday Acsot. I'll post your lucky ticket Sunday morning with the results.


  • JH

    Acsot, you would have to be really lucky to win.

    Good Luck, here I give you my tickets. Check and see if you won anything, but I doubt it...

    Click on the URL for the results of the lottery below

    I scanned the ticket for you Acsot

  • JH

    So, did you win at the lottery game Acsot?

  • acsot

    I'm so new at this I don't even know what to look for but since no numbers anywhere on our tickets correspond with your scan, JH, I guess we didn't. BTW, weren't you going to "doctor" up a ticket for me???

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