what do you do when JWs call at your door now?

by franklin J 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I have been away from JWs for 20 years, after having grown up as one, a pioneer and ministerial servant. I have rebuilt my life, am very happy and have a wife and three kids who never were part of JW. I have moved back into the town I grew up in. I do not get into any discussions with JWs, because I know all to well how they think. When they come to my door, I am always polite ( having been there) but never allow myself to get into a discussion, knowing that they could never understand.

    I am curious to know of all of your experiences with this.


  • blaid

    I can't wait to shun those little pricks...as soon as I get a place....OHHHH they are SO getting shunned....

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Basically do the same thing, except that I politely ask them to put a red dot on my address on the territory card. Lasts about two years.

  • obiwan

    Show them Danny!

  • xjw_b12

    franklin j

    I don't know what to tell you. They don't call on us anymore. Perhaps it has something to do with the decal I have on my door !

    Ya Think ?

  • Valis

    *LOL* xjw..They never come to my door...the closest I ever get is the two mormon kids who incessantly ride down my streeet.


    District Overbeer

  • BluesBrother

    LOL, ex jw...

    They never call on me either , even though I am technically just inactive

  • blondie

    They don't call on me either---even though I live outside the territory of my last congregation. We have received old magazines shoved under the mat. It rained that day and they were wet. I have been called on by 2 Lutheran church representatives, 1 Methodist, and 2 Mormons, 0 JWs.


  • shamus

    I tell them that I took a psychology course and read crisis of conscience. I then ask them if they read it? when they say no, and that they never would, I tell them that I sincerely feel sorry for them, and close the door.

  • integ

    I ask them if I may avail myself of a free bible study.


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