The boring and uneventful lives of a JW

by YellowLab 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • YellowLab

    I faded as a JW about 8 years ago. To me the meetings were just plain boring as hell and so "robotic". I never did feel true love amongst the brothers and sisters as they always like to tout. Everyone seemed to have their favorite cliques they stuck to. My mother and brother are still both active JWs. They hardly ever miss weekly meetings -- for them it's just automatic.

    I can't help but think of how boring our lives were as JWs. Time is consumed by five worthless meetings promoting a false hope. There is no true happiness or events to look forward to, no birthdays or holidays, like Mothers Day, Fathers Day, no turkey ON Thanksgiving DAY, no Christmas tree, no gifts, no donating to charity, no going into volunteer work for those less fortunate. Every activity in your life is subject to the elders. You have to fear being seen with non-JW's, going into R-rated movies, or if you're dating, holding hands. How in the world can people live like that? I'm proud of the double life I led!

    I lived like this for for 23 years before I got married (to a non-JW!) and moved out. I cannot begin to tell you the freedom of mind and happiness I now experience. I have two sons and I made a promise to myself to never let them go through what I did growing up!


  • xjw_b12

    Hello YellowLab. Dog lover I surmise ! Thanks for sharing your story.

    I have two sons and I made a promise to myself to never let them go through what I did growing up!

    Went through the same decision ourselves just as the 2 youngest were poised to enter school. Where we going to raise our remaining kids in a religion, we no longer had any confidence in?

    I'll tell you there was a lot of soul searching going on at that time. Glad you also made the right choice.



  • metatron

    I have wondered if the lack of holiday and birthday celebration is deliberate to avoid having Witnesses

    notice how their lives are passing them by, in effect hardly used. Birthdays in particular encourage the

    marking of time.


  • startingover

    Right on! I bet if the truth were known a huge number of people feel that same way, they just can't let their true feelings come out.

    The only thing you are wrong about is the turkey at Thanksgiving. Most witnesses I know have turkey then because "it's cheap". What a bunch of hypocrites.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I had a similar experienc. Raised in the JW faith and broke away 20 years ago---life is great!

    built a new life with a non JW wife and 3 kids! All the holidays are fun!

    It was not easy to get away, but once i was free of them my life blossomed!


  • willyloman
    I have wondered if the lack of holiday and birthday celebration is deliberate to avoid having Witnesses notice how their lives are passing them by, in effect hardly used. Birthdays in particular encourage the marking of time.

    Interesting observation, metatron. Casinos build their palaces without windows or clocks for exactly the same reason. It's to control the players, deluding them into a sense of timelessness; they push the outside world and all its cares away and concentrate on the spinning wheels and hypnotic dance of cards. Result: they stay longer and spend more money.

    Coincidence? I doubt it.

  • blaid

    I agree! welcome to the board AND, congrats! Im not sure how witnesses can live like that, but the good news is, most every young one these days is leading a double life. Time for me to sow seeds of corruption BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough * cough* haha *cough * weaze* ahh screw it :-(

  • anglise

    Hi YellowLab

    How can you say there was nothing to look forward to!!?

    Whilst dwelling in the spiritual paradise (cuckoo land) and having ongoing spiritual banquets there was always something exciting to anticipate, such as

    The memorial

    The special assembly day

    The special talk

    A banner month

    A special magazine campaign

    All for our enjoyment as noted below


    km 2/87 pp. 3-4 Simplification Helps Us to "Make Sure of the More Important Things" ***


    The annual special assembly day will prove to be another fine occasion for spiritual upbuilding and instruction. Scriptural information that is needed for our times will be presented by assigned speakers under the direction of the Society. In many cases, it will be possible for certain qualified brothers from Brooklyn Bethel to share in the program along with local traveling overseers and other qualified elders in the circuit. Also, you will be glad to know that on these occasions arrangements will be made for a baptism.


    km 8/98 p. 7 New Special Assembly Day Program ***

    The provision of special assembly days began in 1987. These one-day gatherings have proved to be upbuilding for Jehovah?s servants and for interested ones who attend. Beginning in September 1998, a new special assembly day program will be presented. You will find the nine talks and numerous interviews and experiences to be spiritually beneficial.


    w90 2/15 pp. 15-20 ?Discerning What We Are??At Memorial Time ***


    Let us, then, look forward to the happy celebration on April 10.


    km 3/89 p. 3 Can You Auxiliary Pioneer in April? ***




    Expanding our service can bring increased happiness..


    km 2/95 pp. 3-6 1995 District Convention Simplification ***


    How thrilling it is to be present at spiritual feasts, whether at congregation meetings, circuit assemblies, special assembly days, or district conventions! Why? Fellowship with God-fearing persons is refreshing, and the spiritual matters presented on such occasions remind us of the more important things.

    So you see all these happyfying events from the mother organization

    "We never had it so good" LOL


    (of the "why did I believe such rubbish" class)

  • metatron

    I always hated that word " happifying"

    It sounds goofy or bogus


  • shamus

    hi there, yellow lab! Nice to meet you!

    I am very impressed with your analogy of the Witnesses. Really! It is a horrifyingly boring life, full of fear, sadness, and resentment. My depression masked these feelings... something that I now know is completely false. I remember always thinking that things will get better... I am being tested... things will get better...

    The thing that I never realized is that things were not correct in the fundamental truths. Once you realize that the religion is bogus, you have to leave. You no longer need a crutch to hang on, and you achieve christian freedom.

    God did not want us to live our lives this way! Even if you do not believe in the Bible, it is obvious that there are glaring contradictions to the god of love and mind control.

    Thank god I am out of it, too.

    Excellent post! Really got me thinking!

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