What's Your Soap Opera Scenario?

by closer2fine 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    cool tat...you can have dinner with me before he gets here...baked something special just for youuuuu

  • blaid

    pettygrudger, dont worry, im the person in a coma too....yes im a guy and I took the quiz...i was bored

    shut up

    *hangs head in shame*

  • pettygrudger

    Blaid - that's okay, perhaps we'll be in the same hospital room!

  • Tatiana

    Thank you soooo much, Xeen!!!! I'll bring tea. Don't mind the slightly almond smell. It's a special blend just for you!

  • Tatiana

    Oh nooooooo....petty, blaid......

    you drank Xena's tea!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooo.......

    sorry, but you will never come out of your comas.....

  • pettygrudger

    that's okay, we're in the same hospital room, side by side, transmitting some telepathic thoughts

    I don't know what the heck we're gonna do when we wake up from our naughty dreams to realize we're brother & sister!

  • Aztec

    This is wrong on so many levels:

    The Evil TwinNo matter what form The Evil Twin takes, be it the alter ego of the town sweetheart, a jilted lover, corporate raider, or one of many multiple personalities, they play an integral part in any soap ? driving the plotline and keeping things interesting. Sure, they might be a backstabber who's out for their own good. But they're just so darn good at it; they're irresistible.

    See Petty that's what you get for hanging out with me...I warned you about that sushi...LOL!


  • simplesally

    I got the EVIL TWIN, too............ just wish I had the money to do all she gets to do on that soap!

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