Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Respond to All Accusations Made Against Them? FROM WEBSITE

by NikL 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScenicViewer

    The Streisand Effect is when you try to hide something and it backfires, causing more people to know in the end than if you hadn't tried to hide it.

    (Wikipedia's explanation.)

    Someone took a pic of Barbra Streisand's house and published it online. She fought to have it removed, presumably because she didn't want people being able to figure out where she lived.

    At the time of her suit to have it removed the photo had only been viewed a few times and some of those viewings were by her own attorneys, but because of the publicity the suit brought the photo was viewed many thousands of times.

    (Photos here.)

  • rebel8
    we avoid getting into pointless arguments.

    You didn't even respond to the Australian Royal Commission when you were officially subpoenaed 3 times!

    You have to admit any arguing with the RC would have been pointless.

  • steve2

    There is nothing so invalidating to questioners than to have relevant questions judged as "accusations" and "quarrelsome" and so not accorded answers.

    JW organization knows human nature well: Ignoring questions works - and equally, it sends a message: "Don't even bother to ask".

    Without blushing, the rank and file follow suit with this deaf and dismissive response style. We see it in their cart work, door-to-door and individually and collectively among JWs who bristle at the burden of inconvenient questions about their organization and/or their practices.

    An organization with much to hide needs to have perfected the art of "selective question-deafness". On this criterion alone, I grant JW organization and its unthinking adherents a grade of A+.

  • jwleaks

    JWs: We don't respond to false accusations.

    RUSSIA: Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists.

    JWs: Here's our extensive response both on our website, by a worldwide letter campaign, presentations on our TV Broadcasting program by governing body members, in our magazines, in press releases, in all these written volumes of response, and in our media and TV interviews.

    RUSSIA: Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists.

    JWs: We don't respond to false accusations.

  • Wakanda

    JW organization knows human nature well: Ignoring questions works - and equally, it sends a message: "Don't even bother to ask".

    I grew up hearing "You shouldn't even have to ask".

    Cult parents following the cult in every way.

  • smiddy

    The media : Why dont Jehovahs witnesses/G.B members provide the Data base of child sexual abuse you have on file ?

    GB/JW`s : We dont respond to false accusations

    Whenever the media reports on persecution /harrassment/discrimination of Jehovahs Witnesses its a fact.

    Whenever the Media reports on Child Sexual Abuse and failure of the JW`s to respond on behalf of the victim ,then its all lies the media lies ,you cant trust the media,they are a product of Satans system of things.

  • ToesUp

    WT picks and chooses what it addresses. If they don't want to address it, they will sweep it under the rug and call it apostate lies. The interesting thing is, most of the followers believe WT. It is easier for the rank and file. Someone to tell you how to act and think.

  • committeechairman

    Once, just once in what's left of my life, I would like to see the Governing Body humbly and honestly admit that they were wrong and that something needs to be fixed. Also, I'd like to see them acknowledge harm that was caused and apologize for it: try to make it right.

    There is precedent for this. If you look at Nehemiah 9:33-38, the nation's leaders acknowledged serious wrongdoing and acted to correct it.

    For instance, instead of saying that "it was always our policy to report child abuse" etc, etc. Why not just say that the policy for many years was to require two eyewitnesses to the same abuse event leaving many child abusers unsanctioned? Why not just say that the practice for many years was to fight reporting anything to the authorities? Why not apologize to all those harmed and humbly beg them for forgiveness and explain the measures now in place to prevent this kind of madness from happening again?

    I know the answers. The attorneys prevent it for liability reasons. And (in my opinion) I think the Governing Body is afraid that if they admit they were wrong that somehow they will lose the respect of the rank and file. I've found just the opposite to be the case. When in leadership and I make a huge mistake, if I admit it in front of everyone and do all I can to make it right, it has the effect of strengthening respect people have for me.


  • sp74bb

    Oh my Gosh... cannot read it... it is really bullshit !

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