New Swedish video up with subtitles (Anders)

by Jourles 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Jourles

    OK folks, the Swedish video is now online. Let me give you all a few 'heads-up' notices first.

    The video format is larger to take advantage of being able to view the ENGLISH SUBTITLES! Yes that's right. For those of us who are Swedish-linguistically impaired, we can read along with what is being said. To make room for viewing these subtitles, the video screen had to be enlarged. The main drawback of enlarging this video is file size. The combined file size for both parts is roughly 80MB(49.5MB for the first part and 30.4MB for the second part). The dvd copy that I received of this video had a poor 2-4 minute section that could not be ripped no matter what I tried. Even on normal playback through three different dvd players yielded chopped and staggered images and audio. Sorry about this.

    So for those of you on dial-up, you may want to skip on viewing these videos. Go find a high-speed access point or a neighbor with broadband service that will let you watch them.

    This program is competing for top place on my personal list of favorites. The journalist which leads this program doesn't hesitate to talk to everyone that he can find. Oh, and how many here like hidden cameras? I may create smaller copies of these videos depending on the subtitle size. Those with good eyesight might be able to read the subtitles - I will have to try it out and see how they come out.


    Part 1 ---

    Part 2 ---

    p.s. I am currently adding several new videos to the site which should be up in the next few days. The main page isn't updated yet with the links, but if anyone didn't see our Jesika on the news before, you can here -

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    YOU, Sir, are a prince!

  • observador


    good job! Hats off to you.

  • SYN

    Wow. That journalist really did kick some Tower ass.

    The way those two guys at Brooklyn were looking at him when they said they couldn't answer his questions was absolutely priceless. Human body language is such a revealing thing!

    And that guy who just sort of hid away and didn't want to talk to the reporter...stunning! Absolutely damning stuff!

    Nice one Jourles!

  • Jourles

    Yo Syn! Yes, this guy had it all together. He should have collaborated with the other news programs and gave them hints on how to handle, the um, situation. I don't believe I have seen so many "no comment"'s from the WTS before in one program. Priceless

  • invictus

    thank you very much for video, it is real eye opener. I really do admire strenght and dignity of those young peple to come forward and tell their story.

    as for all those elders it was almost comical to see them running scared - cowards, but unfortunatelly it is not funny but tragic knowing that their arogance and total lack of empathy ruined so many young lives.

    thank you again .


  • anglise

    Thankyou Jourles

    I have just finished watching this. The reporter was brilliant. How can the WTBTS still be functioning with programmes like this being aired?

    Maybe when a country like France (who dont seem to be afraid to go against the tide) picks up on what they are really like than action will be taken by governments.


  • Nordic

    Thanks jourles

    You doing a fine job!!!

    The Swedish video, is one of the best, i have seen yet.


  • ignored_one

    Woah. Nice report. Notice the use of "heavies" near the end. Jeez.

    And all the "sorry you can't talk to him" crap. No we're such an open and honest org, yeah right.


    Ignored One.

  • AlanB

    Hmmm, if all the governments do take action, wont that fulfill a JW prophecy anyway?

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