Oldest Kingdom Song

by Bereano 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bereano
    Which Kingdom Song (used today by JW) is the oldest one?
  • Simon

    They are all well past their sell by date.

    For the tune the one set to the German National Anthem has to win.

    I don't know about the lyrics (but please let it be the bee molestation one)

  • truthseeker100
    Ours is the god of true prophesy, what he foretells comes to be! Its not the oldest but it's a goodie
  • Oubliette
    Give us your money!
  • NewYork44M

    I have seen and lived through several "song books." I remember the song book we used in the early 1960s; however, I am sure there were earlier ones. You bring up a good question, are there some songs that have remained over the decades. I assume that since you asked the question you know the answer....

    Interesting question and one that deserves an answer.

  • SafeAtHome
    Oh man, truthseeker is that the "we're jehovah's witnesses" one? Just shoot me, now it's in my brain!😤 gotta go listen to some Gordon Lightfoot to get that outta my head!! Do they still have the one that sounded like a Hawaiian melody? That always made us want to do the hula.
  • truthseeker100
    SafeAtHome Gordon Lightfoot wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald will do you good! Lake Superior is in my neck of the woods.
  • Socrateswannabe
    Some of you who have been out awhile may not have heard a lot of the newer songs. Several of them sound like they hired a Broadway composer to put them together. They don't sound very worshipful, but they are better tunes than the old days. But to answer the OP, my guess would be #14 in the current songbook, "All Things Made New". The signs of the times show God's rule has begun...I'm pretty sure we had that one back in the 60's when we had the old green songbook.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Below are some links that might have what you're looking for and also the last link is where you can listen to the old songs.

    Link 1

    Link 2

    Link 3

    Oh man, truthseeker is that the "we're jehovah's witnesses" one? Just shoot me, now it's in my brain!😤 gotta go listen to some Gordon Lightfoot to get that outta my head!! Do they still have the one that sounded like a Hawaiian melody? That always made us want to do the hula


  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    The oldest song that we still use, slightly reworked of course, is Jehovah is my Shepherd, by Harriet C. Swan in 1928.

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