Creative Ways in Which You Have Gotten A Job

by berylblue 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • berylblue

    bttt because I'm desperate

    Someone at that pathetic place got the idea of "implementing" the FISH program. It's nauseating,really. NOW we are told we have to be HAPPY ROBOTS.

    I opened the door to my office building this morning, and saw all these signs stating things like, "Always do your best", "You can choose your attitude", "Be Happy", "Do it for them" (the consumers), etc.

    I almost had an anxiety attack. I started crying again (I had been crying all the way to work). Shaking and hyperventilating. Thanks to my team members, I calmed down enough to start working. I merely told my supervisor (not the manager b*tch) that I had to take a few minutes to get myself together.

    I felt frigging assaulted. There were f*cking fish everywhere. Everywhere. With signs, "Be happy".

    We get graded every day on what we do with big bold letters marking our mistakes. Never a compliment on anything well done. Never. The atmosphere is so negative. Everyone is miserable. And then, we know we can't complain because if we do, we can easily be replaced by Indians who will work for 1/4 what we make. Everyone is well aware call center jobs are going to trained Indians.

    Tim told me something he did once with managers who were whining about their subordinates not being happy and not responding to their little questionnaires on how to make their jobs more pleasant.

    He told everyone to put on a binder clip ; on their lips, hands, etc. The managers were starting to get really irritated after a minute or so because the clips hurt. He said, "Okay, everyone, let's think of ways to be happy".

    No one wanted to think about ways to be happy because they were hurting too much.

    We were forced into a meeting the other day to tell us to think of ways to make our jobs happy so we could be better little low paid stupid consumer reps. No one had anything to say. Until the management gets to the root causes of our unhappiness, as Tim's little exercise illustrated, no one is going to be able to think about, much less care about or be capable of, being "happy little robots".

    That's what I told my jackass manager. Two days before this stupid FISH meeting, she told me I was out of there unless I became a robot. The next day, I had taken off to go on interviews (for positions I didn't get), and she left this offensive whining vm message stating that she didn't mean me to be a robot, she was sorry. SO F-ING UNPROFESSIONAL.

    Anyway, the next day we were called into the FISH meeting, and then it all made sense. I found out between the time she reamed me for being too spontaneous and the awful phone message, she had been told to get her team "happy". Company management was going to implement the FISH philosophy.

    I was so offended. I told her straight out, "Oooooooooh, so now I have to be a HAPPY robot."

    She said nothing.

    PLEASE...I can't take anymore. I have to get out of there...I've applied for 60 jobs online in the past week; so far, nothing but agencies....


    Hi berylblue , when i was younger i never had a boss i could stand, so when I was 18 I went down to the state building and bought a business license . I have worked for myself ever since . not that is has been easy but it is worth it ! I love being my own boss and seting my own hours especially since I don?t like being told when and where to do things . If you are a self starter you might benefit from at least looking into starting or purchasing a business .

    But thats just my .02 cents


  • gambit


    The best source of ideas that I have found is the book called "What Color Is Your Parachute". It contains exercises for interviews, personal surveys to assess different aspects of your personality, ways to approach people through letters, email, phone, and in person.... so on and so on.. And I think the book mentions -- interview, interview, interview -- in other words, look through the paper and apply for jobs you DONT want but feel you could possibly interview for them... then go get the interview... them take the interview... then, turn down the job... this process works ! I actually tried this and was surprised at how easy I got a job offer (relative to the methods I had been using). The basic premise is, you really don't care what the results are... you will learn to relax, handle yourself, be yourself, and to have confidence...

    Good luck...

  • berylblue

    Thanks everyone

    I am literally physically sick at the thought of yet another day of this crap

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    If you "connect" with the person interviewing you, youre half way home. If you dont connect, youre doomed. Its simply a matter of keep applying until you encounter an interviewer on the same wavelength as you.

    Sometimes demanding that you be given the opportunity to sort out the companys "problems" (by being hired. Lol) can work. As long as youve got a "connection' with the person interviewing.


    .."they kept telling me I didn't know "the system" but I kept going back. Finally, I got an interview, but the sales manager kept answering the phone and letting people interrupt with stupid questions. I got out my wallet and slammed a credit card on his desk and told him "I may not have a job or any money but damn-it, I have credit cards! And if I have to take you to lunch to get the time I deserve, I will!"...

    See? It works sometimes. Course, youve got to be going after something you WANT for it to work.

  • tinkerbell82

    i've only had two job interviews in my life and both were successful. i have no idea why. at the last one i had which was for my current job as an admin assistant (which requires TONS of typing) i even failed the typing test BIG TIME. and they still hired me. two and a half years later i still can't type worth a damn. :P

    i just try to be as charming as possible, it seems to be working out alright for me.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    In the UK, most job vacancies are never advertised. Some are handled by recruitment agencies, many are filled by networking contacts. If you only apply for advertised vacancies you are seriously limiting your search.

    I got my current position because someone at the company knew me and asked if I would be interested in the job. I still had to go through the application and interview process, but I got to know about the vacancy through personal contact. I have made a point of getting to know lots of people in my industry.

    Let everyone you know know that you are looking for a new position. Call potential employers and ask if there are any opportunities coming up. Edit your CV for each position you apply for to really sell your skills for that job.

    Good Luck!!

  • lisavegas420

    I was going to say if you continue as you are, you will become physically sick. But

    I am literally physically sick at the thought of yet another day of this crap

    it's too late, it's already happening.

    I've had jobs that made me feel this way. My husband and I rode back and forth to work together, he said my personality actually changed as we got closer to work. After 10 years, I had to quit.

    Hope things get better for you. (((((berylblue))))


  • Carmel


    It don't take no caveman to figure out why you get hired!

    cave dweller

  • berylblue

    I know. She's beautiful.

    I am not, so I need some help.

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