Good News and Bad News

by cruzanheart 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Here's the good news: after SIX years of working at night so we didn't have to leave the children with people we didn't know (or, worse still, WITNESSES), Big Tex got a day job!!!!! His law firm decided that they didn't want to lose him -- they knew he was interviewing for day jobs -- so found him a spot in the daytime. We signed the kids up for the school's after-school program, which is excellent, and it is so incredibly wonderful to have him home at night! The kids, believe it or not, eat more when we are all four together at the table, and talk animatedly about school and how they feel. This is the right thing at the right time. And I love it too, for a lot of reasons that I'll leave you to figure out.

    Now for the bad news: last week I went to the doctor for my annual 'grams (mammogram, ovarian sonogram, and bone density scan) and this year (I was bad and missed last year) they found three fibroid tumors in my uterus and osteopena, a precursor to osteoporosis. I had a doctor's visit today to discuss the situation, and he says my spine and hips are really severely degenerated, so I have my prescriptions and my orders. As for the tumors, I think I'll end up with a complete hysterectomy within a year, if they continue to grow as they have.

    Now, I wasn't planning on having any more children (I'll be 48 in December), and both of my parents had/have osteoporosis, so this isn't entirely unexpected, but, damn, it's still a shock. I guess it's just one step closer to the grave, at the risk of sounding all Greek and over-dramatic.

    I'm glad it's not worse than it is, but I'm just indulging in a little pity party tonight. Also, I'm hoping to garner advice from any of you out there with similar conditions.


  • onacruse

    dear wonderful ((Nina))


    PS: BigT, congrats, my friend! We'll call y'all this weekend.

  • arrowstar


    oh hon...what can I say? I believe that you are an incredibly strong woman that can handle anything life throws your way.


    p.s. If you need know I'm right there.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Well the only part I can address from personal experience is the hysterectomy when I was 37. It was a blessing for me. I was pushing it but 4 weeks after my surgery I was going to downtown Montreal for my University classes on the subway/Metro.

    It was the best thing I did healthwise and have not regretted it ever. They left my ovaries so menopause came naturally.

  • Aztec

    First off..Congrats to Big Tex on the day job! That's wonderful!

    ((((Cruzan)))) I know that there are a lot of supplements available for osteoporosis. I don't know what they are but I know they're out there. A good website is! I've gotten all kinds of great advice from that site.


  • jst2laws


    You approach your grim reality like a realist. As one not only your age but a few years older I relate to those awful moments in the doctors office when the BAD NEWS is laid on so kindly. I am sorry your good news is mixed with such bad news.

    Thinking of you and the family.


  • cruzanheart

    I think my osteo prescription is for Actival, taken once a week on an empty stomach and not to lie down for 30 minutes after. Sounds interesting. A friend of mine at work has the same condition and she has the same prescription ($5 per pill, by the way, even on our insurance!), so it's helpful to compare notes with her. And I have to take calcium and Vitamin D, and lift weights in a way that puts pressure on my spine, to build it up. Naturally, that's the ONE weight machine at the gym I wasn't using!

    Thanks for your good wishes. This has been one [deleted] of a year.


    deleted by onacruse 22:46 02/10/03

  • MrMoe

    awwwwwww hun *hug*

  • gumby


    It's the shits getting older!

    Yes I know....your not that old ....just about a year and a half under me, but some of us get "stuff" sooner than one should. My back is pretty much gone, and joints aren't the best either. I can live with some aches and's wondering how bad off your gonna get that kinda worries you at this age.

    You seem like a happy person and that has much to do with how we will handle it. I suppose a hysterectomy won't really change anything that would not have happened soon anyways.

    I'm going to shut up now cuz I know nothing of womens stuff and I'm making a total ass of myself!


  • SheilaM

    Cruzan and BigTex: Congratulations on the day job

    ((((((((((((((((Cruzan))))))))))))))))))))) I am sorry to hear about your health. We wish the best for you.

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