The Bible can help JWs to stop judging homosexuals. Try this method.

by DATA-DOG 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    I'm still confused please join the dots.

    Let's say a JW accepts there is a genetic factor in homosexuality but that it is a sin to be a practising homosexual.

    How does Romans 8:20 help?

  • cofty
    Playing "devil's advocate" I would simply have responded that as a hetrosexual man I am genetically inclined to be sexually attracted to lots of women. That doesn't make it ok to follow the impulses of my genes.


    That person did not choose to be sinful. They did not have the choice that Adam and Eve had. They were born into sin. They were subjected to futility according to Romans 8:20. I really drive that point home. I even ask them to think about their own personal struggles because of "sin." What would they give to be free of sin? A little intense eye-contact during these questions is helpful.

    I ask JWs to imagine the guilt of being gay and knowing that you are looked upon in disgust. Imagine sitting in a church or Kingdom Hall and being gay. Did you choose these tendencies? No. You were subjected to futility. Why would fellow Xians add cruel comments or judgments on top of all that? How unloving to make people feel even more guilty?

    Thats really the point. Use the "fact" that humans are born sinful to make JWs think about their own true personal feelings about homosexuals. The goal is to circumvent the WTBTS goggles. It's worked for me so far.


  • Nitty-Gritty


    You are right ,most JWs are not homophobic. And from my experience many accept that it is part of imperfection, i.e. nature or nature/nurture combo. So I don't really see why you need to try that argument with them because as you say, as with any other imperfection, God is allowing it. The imperfection that is. How a person acts on it is what matters to God. As for judging people who live that life style, it is up to God to judge them. However when a JW unrepentantly practices that life style, they will be disfellowshipped, just like a person who practices any other lifestyle condemned by God, as per 1 Cor 6:9.

    I know you are alluding to the GB being homophobic, in reference perhaps to the infamous "tight pants" remark. But whatever the case may be, no WT literature nor the website gives that impression. This from the website "the Bibles answer": ....."While the Bible disapproves of homosexual acts, it does not condone hatred of homosexuals or homophobia. Instead, Christians are directed to “respect everyone.”—1 Peter 2:17, Good News Translation. Can a person be born homosexual?The Bible doesn’t comment directly on the biology of homosexual desires, though it acknowledges that we are all born with a tendency to go against what God commands. (Romans 7:21-25) Rather than focus on the cause of homosexual desires, however, the Bible prohibits homosexual acts". etc..[search_id]=e10b2506-96bb-45f8-8155-6df95d7d2769&insight[search_result_index]=0

  • Oubliette

    Cofty: As a JW I would have said that either homosexuality is a choice or that some people have a tendency towards being gay but are free not to act on that.

    Yes, but now--as has been discussed at length on another thread--the WTBTS is ramping up to try to change the behaviors of individuals in the congregation that are even perceived as being non-practicing gays (NPG).

    Back to the OP, Data-dog, your logic is flawed because you assume that JWs follow the BIble. They do not. The Bible is merely a prop. Loyal JWs follow whatever the GB/WTBTS tell them to follow.

    Let's review: It's a cult!



    I know they don't, but they claim to. That's kind of the point. I want to generate a little cognitive dissonance to get their neurons firing.

    Here's the thing, JWs think they follow the Bible. When you bring up subjects like this, you reveal that they are not really as familiar with the Bible as they believe. Will it accomplish anything? Maybe.

    After all, I'm here because someone showed me that I knew very little about the Bible. Some dubs begin an intense Bible study and learn TTATT. Someone has to start the process.

    Youre right. It's a cult!!


  • B4Right

    Folks in my neck of the woods say its a choice to be gay. I stumbled across a few JW's who saw the Bruce Jenner story and felt sad for him/her. I ran into some who thinks that folks get it from demonic TV programs that features homosexuality and choose that life style.

    After that Bruce Jenner story surfaced I came across this study:

    Whether its from imperfection or not - for some they are people who are born "hardwired" that way.

  • truthseeker100
    Yes they are hard wired that way. I'll never forget a young gay JW whose family pushed him so hard into being heterosexual that he committed suicide. I think he really wanted to be heterosexual but just couldn't fake it anymore.
  • Vidiot

    @ Oubliette...


    ...JW men can forget about having any congregation's approval unless they look like a shaved gorilla. :smirk:

  • Greener

    I don't think most JWs can get passed some of these points as we know.

    If one is gay, you are telling Jehovah the Creator, that he as the Creator, made you wrong. ie. your parts don't match up with your orientation or who you are. A scripture mentions the pot telling the potter that it was made wrong.

    Humans were meant to procreate and fill the earth, as was his original purpose for humankind. How can gays procreate?

    We have the biblical accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah etc etc, and Jesus Christ himself stating that marriage was between a man and a woman.

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