People that are shunned and those that shun mimic slavery

by Yomama 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yomama
    1. So im reading this book 1619 about slavery then it dawned on me that shunning like slavery emotionally rips apart families. If you look at romans 1:32 study note under natural afection they tell on themselves if you cannnot love your familey you cannot love others wow just wow try shareing that point with your pimi relatives.
  • Vidiot

    Well, considering that on the whole, the Bible generally condones the ownership of other human beings as property...

    ...I frankly doubt you'll actually see a whole lot of dismay displayed by PIMIs when confronted with that particular info.

  • smiddy3

    Hi Yomama and welcome to the board ,you do make a valid point but as Vidiot points out the Bible does not and has not condemned slavery anywhere and in fact tells slaves to be obedient to their masters Eph.6:5

    Its no wonder that many people say the Bible is like an instrument you can play any tune on .

    I hope you stick around there is much to learn on this site ,I have learnt more in the 10 or so years on this site about JW`s than I ever did in my 32 years as an active JW.

  • JoenB75

    If the Bible had said directly that slavery should be abolished, the Romans could rightly have accused the Christians of wanting to tear down their society. I have always thought it was a little immature of the leftwing to expect the ancient book to condemn such a pillar in the ancient society. However Colossians 4:1 do tell the masters to play nice and remember they have a master (in heaven. The letter of Philemon seems to raise the question if it is possible for a Christian to keep another Christian as slave . On the other hand we should work hard in accordance with Ephesians 6:5

  • LongHairGal

    SMIDDY3 & JOENB75:

    I had heard it said back when I was in the religion that slavery back in Bible times was the economic institution their society depended on.

    It wasn’t because of anybody’s race and almost anybody could become enslaved, especially if they were a conquered people. But, those slaves were better treated and could win their freedom sometimes.

    Somebody likened people of today who have to go out and work for an employer as ‘slaves’ of a sort.

  • JoenB75

    LongHairGirl, I think you are right. Conquered people were made slaves. They did have some race theory depending on how accomplished they considered the tribes to be

  • Giordano

    Jesus didn't address slavery....he never said 'free the slaves'. There was a cost factor in caring for one's slave's but there was also a stronger profit motive. Slavery worked....... unless you were a slave.

    The fact that Jesus never really addressed this issue casts a sense of doubt on his motives and actions. Slaves........ the meekest of the meek inhabited...nothing.

    On the one hand you have a Jesus who is all nice and fuzzy. Then again you have a Jesus who doesn't give a crap about slaves.

    Jesus was running for the office of the 'anointed one'......... Nothing else mattered.

    Since Jesus never wrote anything down nor did his followers in his life time....... all we have to work with is a guy who bypassed one of the great issues of his day and kept slavery going until this very day.

    He could have said slavery was wrong......he didn't. So much for Jesus and all of the Old and New testament. In fact it supported Slavery which still goes on to this day. Indentured servants....indeed.

    Lets call it what it is....... slavery.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    He could have said slavery was wrong......he didn't. So much for Jesus and all of the Old and New testament. In fact it supported Slavery which still goes on to this day - yeah, true.

    But it's important to get a sense on perspective on slavery.

    Slavery in Christian-majority countries ended a long time ago. The British ended the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade at the beginning of the 1800s.

    As far as we know, Jesus never owned slaves. But Muhammad did own slaves and concubines, and he traded in them.

    Slavery among Arabs and Muslims started centuries before the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and ended in 1962 in Saudi Arabia and Yemen and in 2008 in Mauritania! ... just think about that for a moment: there are some people alive in Mauritania right now who are freed slaves. Makes you think, doesn't it?

  • Vidiot


    AFAIC, no matter how much you try and dress it up, the ownership of human beings as property is, by any modern standard, morally indefensible.

    Therefore, any economic, cultural, or religious ideology - past or present - that even tacitly condones it is in and of itself morally suspect.

  • JoenB75

    In reality if you depend on your boss paying the monthly salary on time or the bank own your home, you are owned too. Slaves were ancient serfs and working class. It comes down to how they were treated. It is a thing of the modern left to consider slavery deplorable pr definition not realizing all socities have their low class carrying the bricks and eating and living with a lower standard. A moderne lack of understanding history in context I had say

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