Bill Gates Foundation

by jhine 27 Replies latest social current

  • LV101

    jhine: Since the TV has been on almost daily and I don't have time to sit and watch but in/out of the sound areas -- this info was reported a few wks. ago - I'd say about 3 wks ago rolled out in couple sentences. It was shocking to hear. I've no idea if it was on a liberal or conservative net work but she didn't cook this up. I heard the same re/his vaccination trials. It should be reported on again, but who knows.

    Why would India allow this in the first place - such a mammoth populace who cares position and monies received. Scary.

  • Gorbatchov

    Bill is for years our family friend and I can tell you, he is a good man.


  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    What would it matter if your friend believes this?

    Let them believe what they want.

    They have the right to be wrong :-)

    You could simply agree with them to let the subject be. It seems mere facts won't change their mind anyway. They have a preset belief, and every fact anyone offers that contradicts that worldview will be rejected as tainted information. It will also likely push you two further apart if you argue about this.

    Just be their friend. Don't discuss the subject anymore. If it becomes an obsession for them that actually threatens their health you could address that (without arguing whether they are right or not).

    After all, if Bill has everything in their power your friend wouldn't be able to expose or fight him anyway.

    Best thing they can do is choose a different charity to donate to.

    If they have to obsess with every crook around (regardless of whether Bill is one) they'd have no life...

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    I just came across this quote that made me think of this topics (and JW too):

    "Man is a rational animal. He can think up a reason for anything he wants to believe."
    – Anatole France
  • LV101

    Gates is certainly pushing for Big Bro to keep an eye on everyone. Medical records to be turned over and more governmental control on the tax payers. It's getting interesting.

  • smiddy3

    she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against Bill .

    Is your friend an active JW ? have you verified whether or not these quotes are from reputable sources ?

    Just curious jhine

  • jhine

    No Smiddy she is not nor ever has been a JW . She does have cause to know a lot about them .

    Anders l understand that my friend can believe what she likes , l would like to know for myself if there is any credence in her accusations . Bill Gates seems like one of the good guys .

    She also has some strong opinions on Covid 19 and how we should / shouldn't be responding . She really thinks that all vaccines should be avoided as well because of her doubts about the Gate's vaccines , which worries me .

    LV101 that is interesting . l looked into this as much as l could and could find no substantiation for her views . Wouldn't this be picked up by every country's media as big news ? I really don't see how , if it's true , it has gone unnoticed .


  • was a new boy
    was a new boy


    Bill is for years our family friend and I can tell you, he is a good man.
    Does the GB get the Nobel Peace Prize before Bill does?

  • Simon

    Bill Gates appeared to have a carefully curated public persona, as a geeky uncle.

    Turns out he hung around with dodgy people and was inappropriate with women, from all accounts.

    At least now people will maybe stop listening to him for medical advice.


    Saying someone is “good” is kind of meaningless. Good compared to whom? Good from what perspective?

    If you are possessed of a particular ideology and so are your friends and you act upon that ideology then your friends will probably think you are “good.” You just made a mistake going to Epstein Island and giving experimental Polio vaccines to African children and you bought up all the Farmland and supported GMO crops to be helpful, and don’t like Farmer’s Markets because you’re so “good.”

    What’s true about Bill Gates? Time will tell, but why would anyone with one ounce of reasoning ability believe what paid fact checkers say about the person they are fact checking, or use the SIFT method of doing research on the internet?

    DD 🤔

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