Bill Gates Foundation

by jhine 27 Replies latest social current

  • jhine

    Hi everyone , how are ya'll ?

    l have a question particularly for any Americans on here . l have an American friend from LA who has recently been trying very hard to investigate Bill Gates and his Foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against Bill . Some being concerned with the Foundation's work in lndia , claims have been made that a vaccination programme has left thousands of lndian children ill and that the Government has kicked the Foundation out and is suing it . l looked on fact check which said that there was no truth in this . When l mentioned this to my friend l was told that l couldn't trust anything online because basically Bill and his cronies manipulated the internet .

    l emailed one of our national ( British ) newspapers to ask if the Indian Gov. was suing the Gates Foundation and was told that " there were no reports anywhere to substantiate that " . l have a feeling that if l say this to her l will be told that Bill and his mates run the world's press .

    Do any of you Americans particularly know anything about this ?


  • stillMS


    These stories are circulation Web-wide along with all the rest of conspiracy theories BS and Russian propaganda.

    Without diving deep, I'd assume it's 99% fake - unless someone offered some credible proofs.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Well I guess your friend must know. I'd also expect Mr Gates will be deleting your post too as he or one of his cronies will be down on you fairly soon, what with controlling the internet and all.

    Don't forget to also share these 'quotes about Bill' and his foundation with others and then before you know it, it'll be true anyway.

  • Finkelstein

    When l mentioned this to my friend l was told that l couldn't trust anything online because basically Bill and his cronies manipulated the internet .

    Yes Bill and his cronies control everyone's mind and thoughts, spooky yes but true.

    All religions and all governments.

    Say have you ever seen your friend walk around with tin foil on her head ?

  • jhine

    All fair points : ) . She really does believe all this and l do worry for her . I just wondered if there could be even a modicum of truth in her assertions .


  • jhine

    I should qualify that and say l wondered if there was any truth in the being sued by the Indian Gov bit , not the internet bit .


  • DesirousOfChange

    Some of her "reaonings" sound just like JW defenses. IE, Satan controls everything in the press (unless it happends to be positive about JW's).

  • jhine

    DOC , l did point that out , which didn't go down well . She says that she will discuss but how can there be discussion when any source that l quote gets shot down as unreliable , if it disagrees with her views ?

    l did mention my contact with the newspaper and as expected was told that it couldn't be trusted .

    No one so far has come on and said that there is some credence in her accusations .


  • VerdadTJ2

    It's extremely difficult to talk a person out of a conspiracy theory. Just as difficult or probably more so, than to get a person out of a cult.

    Perhaps read up on Steven Hassan's book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control", to help your friend.

  • DesirousOfChange

    jhine, it's proven that when people look at "facts" in their own "unbiased" way, they actually tend to openly accept new material that happens to support their already decided-upon view and they tend to find a reason to discount anything new that conflicts with their current view. They don't even realize they are doing this, even though it may be so apparent to an outsider observing.

    JW's do this on things like the Noachian Flood. If an old vessel is found in the Himalayas, it must be Noah's Ark. PROOF of their belief in the Flood. If carbon dating disproves the age of life on Earth being on a few 10's of thousands of year old, it's FAKE or FLAWED or it's lying scientists trying to support their evolutionary doctrine.

    It's like trying to convince someone that their ex-spouse is really an OK person.

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