Local newspaper features "Leaving the Flock"

by talesin 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree

    Would that there could be such an even-handed article in many a major newspaper's religion or community section! Maybe we should thank Anna Quon?

    Thanks, talesin.


  • talesin

    I'm glad you all enjoyed this article. I think that by steering clear of the morass of doctrinal argument, she made some very well taken points about shunning and destruction of the family.

    Send comments for Anna or the editor to:

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    You must include a daytime number for verification and your name. If your letter is printed in the paper, they WILL WITHHOLD YOUR NAME UPON REQUEST.

    Here's the comment that made me choke on my coffee

    'Ruge [the WT spokesperson] says, "we feel bad when anybody feels hurt or angered" He says there is no policy of shunning people who have left the Jehovah's Witnesses because they stopped believing. Individual Witnesses, he says, may behave more coolly toward their friends or family members who have left the faith, but that is their personal choice. Unless of couse the ex-Witness is "bad news, like a thief or a fornicator", says Ruge, bit those would be grounds for disfellowshipping, and shunning would likely follow.'

    (ITALICS, BOLD are mine)

    Yep, us thieves and fornicators will 'likely' be shunned, as opposed to the child molesters and unethical businessmen who will continue to be welcomed into the flock.


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