Do you believe in fate or predestination?

by Dimples 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe


    Fate, predestination and soulmates are all hooey! Your life is what you make it and if you believe otherwise I feel sorry for you.

    That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it. Yet you state it dogmatically, as if it were fact.

    I'll happily fight for your right to express your opinion, but excuse me if I'm a little tetchy if you don't afford others the same respect

    Besides, supposing you were fated to spend your whole life on the couch in front of a computer screen...

    Whether it's some kind of incredible series of coincidences, or some kind of guiding "power", I have to come down on the side of believing that some things are beyond our control.

    As for "soul mates", no I don't believe in them. I believe some people are far more compatible than others, but the idea that there's only one in the whole wide world would leave me depressed, pondering needles and haystacks.

  • StinkyPantz
    Fate, predestination and soulmates are all hooey! Your life is what you make it and if you believe otherwise I feel sorry for you.

    Since Azzie pretty much said how I feel, I will work off of her words. First sentence, I agree with. Second sentence, well. . I don't feel sorry for people that believe that. Why? Well because I bet life is SO much easier if you can put the blame on someone/something else. Like, "It was my destiny to have a horrible life."

    I think that we are pretty much responsible for how we lead our lives. Outside forces do effect us (nature, other people), but none of it supernatural IMO.

  • iiz2cool

    I don't believe in fate or predestination. Nothing ever fell into my lap when I was just sitting on my butt. If I want something, it's up to me to go out and get it. My life is pretty good right now, but that's because of hard work, nothing else. As for a soulmate, I don't think there's any "perfect" mate out there for anyone. You find someone who you love and who loves you, hopefully someone you have alot in common with, and you work at getting along in areas where you lack things in common.

    Life is what you make it, and the attitude you have toward the things you can't control.

    Belief in predestination could give way to complacancy and a lack of motivation, and stifle continuous self improvement.

    Just my opinion.


  • pettygrudger

    Well, considering I feel I've found my "soul-mate" I have to say yes, there is such a thing. But, there can also be "matey's" in my book, so if something were to ever happen to my dh - and he feels the same - we probably will love again, but both of us know that it will never be the same as what we have - neither of us have experienced this before although we've both been married before and had other "relationships". There's a bond there that seems to transpire both time & space. We "feel" each other even when the others miles away - its hard to explain. Just a connection that we know goes across so many levels.

    As far as predestination & fate - who knows? As Little Toe said maybe couch potatoes were destined to be just that. Perhaps it's fate that brings us to the choices we make in life, the turns that we take that we never imagined. We're all on this planet, evolving, learning & growing. Some religions believe there's a good reason for that - that we're here to learn specific lessons at a specific time, and then to be reincarnated to learn even more, until we get to the point of complete consciousness & can go on to the next level. Whether they're right or not we'll never know - at least not in this lifetime - at least not most of us!

  • Aztec


    "I'll happily fight for your right to express your opinion, but excuse me if I'm a little tetchy if you don't afford others the same respect "

    I didn't say they deserve no respect but I do feel sorry for them. Why? Unlike SP, I think it's sad that anyone goes around thinking that everything in life is happening because of some cosmic plan. Sure, maybe that's an easier path or more peaceful but, I prefer the blunt power of truth. That's just me.

    Actually, I can't state with 100% conviction that fate does not exist. I had a discussion with a friend who played devil's advocate and we had a pretty interesting conversation about it. So while I don't believe in it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I doubt it very much though.


  • Panda

    No to both. We are merely animals with big brains to ask questions like these. Where we are born is a matter of where our parents are born etc. Our "luck" in life comes from circumstances not god, our unlucky situations are as random.

    Chances are that a child born in America will live past their 12 th birthday. Not so in Ethiopia or Sudan. Chances are that a child born in America will not be living w/ both biological parents by their 12th birthday.... go figure.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I believe in the old adage: "No good deed goes unpunished".

  • Dimples

    Thanks Little Toe


  • sens

    Thank U Doc...The voice of reason...

    Nah I dont really believe in fate...I do believe though that If someone is a complete scumbag day 2 day it will come back to them, in one way or another...

    I dont really believe in soulmates, that seems 2 ''passions: daytime soap for me'' (pukes)

  • Pleasuredome

    i dont think any external force chooses what happens to us. i think the way we think and feel draws to us the experiences and people we need, to progress and learn from. thats why i dont look back and view my 5 years in the jws as a waste. it was a great learning experience.

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